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市场调研英文(market research中文翻译,market research是什么意思,market research发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

市场调研英文(market research中文翻译,market research是什么意思,market research发音、用法及例句)

market research

market research发音

英:  美:

market research中文意思翻译




market research双语使用场景

1、Market research showed that 93% of the viewing public wanted a hit film channel.───市场调查表明93%的观众希望有一个播放热门影片的频道。

2、The decision had taken about 10 seconds once he'd read a market research study.───在他看过一份市场调研报告后大概10秒钟就作出了决定。

3、Above 1 year of market research DP experence.───在市场研究公司从事数据处理工作一年或以上.

4、We have finished one full report about the market research.───关于此次的市场调研,我们已经撰写了完整的报告.

5、But , of course, we buy in market research expertise when we look outside the UK.───当然, 偶们关注英国之外的市场时,偶们会买进市场调研技术.

6、These are seamless network Liaocheng the recent market research group's latest survey of the steel market.───以上是聊城无缝管网市场调查小组近期对钢铁市场的最新调查.

7、Mind Alliance would make prophase preparation for sales and advertisement strategy based on primary market research.───乙方根据项目情况进行初步市调,为销售及广告策略的制定作前期准备.

8、Industry Market research and useful market information collecting.───行业市场调查,收集有用的市场信息.

9、Market research has shown us that people want quality, not just low prices.───市场研究告诉我们,人们需要的是高质量,而不仅仅是低价格。

10、Instead, they commissioned more market research.───相反, 他们委托下属做更多的市场调查.

11、Before setting up in business they carried out thorough market research.───在开业之前,他们做了深入的市场调查.

12、After a screening process, any seemingly viable proposition will be tested by market research.───通过甄选, 任何表面上可行的建议都要通过市场研究予以检验.

13、Many inexperienced product managers have little if any background in any sort of market research techniques.───很多才入行的产品经理几乎没有任何市场研究的经验.

14、Market research and requirements analysis in appointed region.───在指定区域内进行市场调研与需求分析.

15、To be in charge of metal part product market research.───负责精密金属冲压件的产品销售和市场调研.

16、The designs secure drugs blister package were discussed through market research and analysis.───文章基于关爱弱势群体,通过市场调研分析,设计药品安全泡罩包装.

17、Market research showed that 93% of the viewing public wanted a hit movie channel.───市场调查显示,93%的收视群体希望有一个热门**频道。

18、market research company BMRB conducted 12 focus groups for the project.───市场调研公司BMRB为此项目采用了12个焦点组。

19、The author has accumulated the abundant firsthand materials after doing a amount of market research.───笔者在做了大量的市场调查研究后,积累了丰富的第一手资料.

20、They also provide business advice and market research and dealing existing securities.───投资银行还提供商业咨询、市场研究并进行现有证券的交易.

21、"What does your market research consist of?"— 'Well. the thing is. it depends on our target age group.'───“你的市场调查有哪些内容?”“嗯,这个嘛,要视我们的目标年龄群体而定。”

22、Spending time reviewing potential cost, price, and market research for service programs.───花时间回顾潜在成本 、 价格和对服务项目的市场调研.

23、Some members of the Working Party expressed concern regarding market research activities.───一些工作组成员对市场调查活动表示关注.

24、The writer is a project manager with an international market research company.───作者是一家国际市场调查公司项目经理,他也是马来团体的活跃青年.

25、This is why market research is necessary to determine an opportunity's profit potential.───可是并 没有 那么多人对在电脑屏幕上看书感兴趣或者愿意付相应的价钱.

26、Market research is actually an analysis of a specific market for a particular product.───市场研究实际上是对某一特殊产品的具体市场进行分析.

27、And paper expounds the method and procedure of the market research.───同时就旅游客源市场调查的方法、程序等进行论述.

market research相似词语短语

1、cancer research───癌症研究;肿瘤研究

2、marketing research───[贸易]销售调研

3、rocket research───火箭研究

4、rocket researches───火箭研究

5、market researches───n.[贸易]市场调查

6、market researchers───市场研究员

7、market researcher───市场研究员

8、marketing researches───n.[贸易]市场调查

9、near-market research───近市场研究




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