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public agent中文翻译,public agent是什么意思,public agent发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

public agent中文翻译,public agent是什么意思,public agent发音、用法及例句

public agent

public agent发音

英:  美:

public agent中文意思翻译



[经] 公众代理人

public agent双语使用场景

1、agent JAR file USES a special manifest attribute to specify the actual agent class, which must define a method public static void premain (String options, Instrumentation inst).───代理JAR文件使用一个特殊的清单属性来指定实际的代理类,这必须定义一个方法:public static void premain (String options, Instrumentation inst)。

2、cloud Lab Appliance can be created by installing the cloud Lab Agent on an existing machine or by starting with the standard cloud Lab Agent machine instance on a public cloud and configuring it.───Cloud Lab设备可通过两种方式创建:在现有机器上安装Cloud lab代理,或者在公共云上启动标准的Cloud lab代理机器实例并配置它。

3、Shin says whether or not Agent Orange is discovered at Camp Carroll, the U.S. should offer the Korean public some kind of gesture, but needs to be careful how it's worded.───申昌勋说,无论是否在卡罗尔军营发现橙剂,美国应该向韩国大众作出某种表态,但用词必须谨慎。

4、Society has the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration.───第十五条社会有权要求机关公务人员报告其工作。

public agent相似词语短语

1、public comment───公众评论

2、public airing───公共广播

3、publicity agency───宣传机构

4、double agent───(为敌对双方服务的)双重间谍

5、public debt───公债,国债

6、public attention───公众的关注

7、publicity agents───宣传员;广告代理人

8、publicity agent───宣传员;广告代理人

9、public safety───公共安全;公安



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