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kind to中文翻译,kind to是什么意思,kind to发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

kind to中文翻译,kind to是什么意思,kind to发音、用法及例句

kind to

kind to发音

英:  美:

kind to中文意思翻译



kind to双语使用场景

1、I must thank you for being so kind to me.───真要感谢您对我这么好。

2、The woman was very kind to those children who were farmed out to her.───这个妇女对那些托她抚养的孩子非常慈爱.

3、The weather was very kind to us.───天气非常宜人。

4、Be kind to animals.───对动物要仁慈.

5、She was always wonderfully kind to me.───她总是待我极好.

6、He is a veterinarian, he is very kind to animals.───他是位兽医, 他对动物们可好了.

7、Be kind to old people.───对老人要宽厚.

8、She is warm-hearted and kind to everyone and everything.───她对每个人每件事都很热心、宽厚。

9、was kind to me that day.───那天我很幸运。

10、The passing of the years has been kind to Dan. He looks like a man of half his age.───岁月对丹很仁慈,他看起来只有他年龄的一半大。

11、Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures.───体形较丰满的人穿夏装总是不那么好看。

12、He was kind to me and mine.───他对我和我的家属都好.

13、He was very kind to me and seemed to go out of his way to help me.───他对我非常友善,似乎是特意帮我的忙。

14、You are kind to come.───难得你来.

15、He didn't really deserve ( that ) she should be so kind to him.───他确实不值得她对他那么好.

16、She is very kind to the dumb children.───她对哑童非常好.

17、She is always kind to her pupils.───她对她的学生总是很和善.

18、You have been so kind to us that we shall always feel we are deeply in your debt.───你待我们太好了,我们将永远感激不尽.

kind to相似词语短语

1、kinda cool───有点酷

2、hind tit───%s(%s)

3、wind tee───丁字风向标;丁字风向指示器

4、round to───掉头顶风停下;恢复体力


6、kind of───有点儿;有几分

7、stand to───遵守,坚持

8、king rod───主杆


kind of和kind to得区别?


kind of中文意思是有点;稍微;有几分;


It's kind of creepy down in the cellar!


kind to中文意思是



The weather was very kind to us.


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