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sunny days中文翻译,sunny days是什么意思,sunny days发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

sunny days中文翻译,sunny days是什么意思,sunny days发音、用法及例句

sunny days

sunny days发音

英:  美:

sunny days中文意思翻译



sunny days双语使用场景

1、summer brings us sunny days, fields full of crops and plenty of insects and wildlife, whereas the winter brings us rain, icy roads and snow.───夏天带给我们阳光灿烂的日子、长满庄稼的田园和许许多多昆虫及野生生物,而冬天带给我们雨水、冰冻的道路和雪。

2、I want you to come, I really wanna to see you. It'll be just like one of my sunny days.───我希望你能来,我真的很想见到你,对我来说就像是晴天。

3、On sunny days, the little bit of light that bounced off a car's window would suddenly explode into an array of triangles.───在阳光明媚的日子,汽车窗户反射的一点点光会突然爆发出一排排三角形。

4、harmless arachnids, which are capable of jumping up to six times their own height, can be found in grassy meadows and on the walls of houses on sunny days.───这是些无害的蛛形纲动物,跳起的高度能达自身高度的六倍。在阳光明媚的日子,你可以在草丛中或房屋的墙壁上找到它们的踪影。

5、Been a while since he'd been out this way. Back then it was to Riis Park and sunny days at the beach. When Brooklyn was at its best.───一段时间以来他一直这样,回想着当时的里斯公园和沙滩上阳光明媚的日子,当布鲁克林在它最辉煌的时候。

6、I got a few wrinkles here and there, but I've laid under thousands of skies on sunny days, yeah.───我开始有了一些皱纹,但我也在天晴时,躺在太阳底下晒了无数次。

7、The accident happened in a busy general aviation corridor over the river that is often filled with sightseeing craft on sunny days.───事发空域是一个非常繁忙的通用航空走廊,天气晴好的时候那里的观光飞机络绎不绝。

8、On warm and sunny days, it would direct itself to generate electricity instead.───在温暖和阳光明媚的日子,就会直接用来发电。

9、Vacationers to the Southwest can count on sunny days without end and a Pacific Ocean that's finally warm enough to swim in.───度假者到西南部可以享受一个又一个阳光明媚的日子。

sunny days相似词语短语

1、funny farms───精神病院

2、funny way───有趣的方式

3、sunny ways───阳光大道

4、nunny bags───修女包

5、sunny day───晴天

6、saints days───圣徒节

7、rainy days───下雨天

8、gunny sacks───[包装]麻袋

9、snow days───下雪天



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