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on top of that中文翻译,on top of that是什么意思,on top of that发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

on top of that中文翻译,on top of that是什么意思,on top of that发音、用法及例句

on top of that

on top of that发音

英:  美:

on top of that中文意思翻译




on top of that双语使用场景

1、You'll need something waterproof on top of that sweater if you're going walking in the hills.───如果你要在山间行走的话,你需要在那件毛衣外面套件防水的衣服.

2、On top of that, coal supplies are tight.───与此同时, 电煤供应吃紧.

3、On top of that the company will help anyone who wants to follow an outside course.───此外,谁要去外面进修,公司也愿意帮助.

4、He sings very well, and on top of that he can also write music.───他不但歌唱得好, 而且还会作曲.

5、top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad.───最重要的是,现在大多数的3D食品打印机都受到限制,只能打印干燥的食材,因为肉类和奶制品很容易变质。

6、On top of that I wear a wool shirt.───外面在穿一件羊毛衬衫.

7、On top of that, there was din and jostling.───除此之外, 就是喧闹和拥挤.

8、On top of that, I hope exaltation my English ability.───另外, 我还希望提高我的英语能力.

9、On top of that, both my fridge and my bank account are empty.───最要命的是, 我的冰箱和银行帐户都空了.

10、On top of that, they might uncovered an explanation for the importance of gene positioning.───在此之上, 他们揭示了基因定位的重要性.

11、You see that cross over on top of that church steepIe?───你看见那个教堂顶上的十字架了 吗 ?

12、On top of that, try to set up killing grounds.───首要的, 试着弄出一个屠杀场所[好像是这个意思].

13、On my mother's family, there were 10 kids, all Lutherans, so I had the whole Lutheran hymn influence on top of that.───在我母亲的家庭里有10个孩子,都是路德教徒,所以我受到了路德赞美诗的影响。

14、Under the Fairtrade network, suppliers receive a minimum price and a premium on top of that.───在公平贸易网络中, 供应商得到一个最低价格及在此基础上的溢价.

15、Any performance fees come on top of that as pure gravy.───在此之外的绩效费就拿得太轻松了.

16、On top of that, she just lost her job and her boyfriend broke up with her.───爸爸生病住院不说 、 同时又被炒鱿鱼,还跟男朋友分手.

17、On top of that, a wool sweater, And then a heavy coat.───上面套一件羊毛毛衣.然后再穿上厚大衣.

18、Put the letter on top of that pile of books, where it can be seen easily.───把信放在那堆书上面, 那儿很容易被看到.

19、On top of that, he will have Jean side to support him any moment he needs.───很重要的是,任何时候只要他需要托德的帮助, 托德就会出现.

20、On top of that, Yao is a good teammate and a marketing superstar.───此外, 姚明还是一个很好的队友,市场影响力极大的超级明星.

21、On top of that , the most important thing is to grow.───除此之外, 最重要的还是公司发展.

22、On top of that, he believes in working for money.───而且最大的问题是, 他相信工作就是为了钱.

23、When I kick the bucket, bury me on top of that mountain.───如果我挂掉了, 请把我埋在那座山顶上.

24、I think you'd hae to get on top of that before that attitude would change.───我认为,要在转变观念之前将这方面的工作做足、做好.

25、These technologies create a component model so that activity types can be build on top of that common foundation.───这些技术创造了一个组件模型,这样就可以在这个共同基础上构建活动类型。

26、On top of that, I had not seen Mike's dad since that first Saturday.───更糟糕的是, 自从第一个星期六后我就一直没见到过我们的赚钱老师——迈克的爸爸.

27、On top of that, there are now more sets around the home.───最重要的是, 现在家里装了更多的电视设备.

28、The dresser is too expensive, on top of that, it takes too much space.───这个柜子太贵了, 再说, 它占用太多空间.

29、He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him.───他失业了,不仅如此,他妻子也离开了他.

30、On top of that, we have more than 100 TCM institutions and research centers.───此外, 全国还有100多家中医机构和研究中心.

on top of that相似词语短语

1、on the off chance───对…抱微小的希望;只是碰碰运气

2、in the hope of/that───希望

3、on (or off) the air───广播上(或不广播)

4、on top of something───除(尤指令人不快之事)之外(还)

5、on top on top of───在上面在上面

6、on top of───另外;熟练掌握;在…之上;紧接着

7、the top of the tree───树的顶端

8、on condition that───如果

9、on top of the world───幸福到极点;欣喜若狂;世界最高点

on top of that是固定用法吗?


On top of that的字面意思是:位于…的上方。但是在美语口语中,它还具有与字面意思不一样的含义

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