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every coin has two sides中文翻译,every coin has two sides是什么意思,every coin has two sides发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

every coin has two sides中文翻译,every coin has two sides是什么意思,every coin has two sides发音、用法及例句

every coin has two sides

every coin has two sides发音

英:  美:

every coin has two sides中文意思翻译



every coin has two sides双语使用场景

1、Every coin has two sides, and artificial intelligence is no exception.───凡事都有两面,人工智能也不例外。

2、But like every coin has two sides.───但是,像所有的硬币一样有两边。

3、Every coin has two sides.───事物有正反两方面.

4、Every coin has two sides, the right towards you, get away from the bad side!───一件事情有它好的一面就有它坏的一面, 要取其精华, 去之糟粕.

5、Just as every coin has two sides, there are also two sides to a student's decision to invest and trade in the stock market.───正如任何事物都有两面,针对大学生投资交易股票也有两种不同的看法。

every coin has two sides相似词语短语

1、every dog has his day───adv.时来运转

2、every dog has its day───凡人都有得意日;风水轮流转

3、every once in a while───偶尔;时常

4、every bit as good as───一点一滴

5、everyone has their price───每个人都有自己的代价

6、every man has his price───每个人都有自己的代价

7、every nook and crannies───每个角落


Every coin has two sides.谚语:每个硬币都有两面。(多角度看问题,用来兴起下文)

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