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how did中文翻译,how did是什么意思,how did发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

how did中文翻译,how did是什么意思,how did发音、用法及例句

how did

how did发音

英:[haʊ duː]  美:[haʊ duː]

英:  美:

how did中文意思翻译



how did双语使用场景

1、How did he die? Was it poison?───他是怎么死的?是中毒吗?

2、"Is that so? " said the hotel man. "How did you come to get out of that? "───“这是真的吗?”这位旅馆经理说,“你怎么会离开那里的呢?”

3、did this dish get broken ?───这个盘子是怎么打破的?

4、How did you know those weren't for his mother-in-law?───你是怎么知道这些东西不是给他岳母带的?

5、Whose Fault Jill : Daddy , Jack's broken my new doll . Daddy : How did he do that ? Jill : I hit him on the head with it .───谁之过?吉尔:爸爸,杰克把我的新娃娃弄坏了。爸爸:他怎么弄坏的?吉尔:刚才我用娃娃砸了他的头。

6、did you manage to persuade him?───你是怎么说服他的?

7、A few steps, please. ' When we were in a side alley, he turned and asked, 'How did you think he looked? - I dressed him. '───“只有几步路。”我们走进一条边角小巷,他回过头来对我们说:“他的扮相如何?我是替他化妆的。”

8、Bill Donius: How did you discover writing with your non-dominant hand as a way of tapping into a different part of your brain?───比尔·杜纽斯:你是如何发现将用非优势手写作作为挖掘另一脑半球的方式的?

9、We're going to go through several parts of it because what I'm going to point out right now is, how did Paul try to convince them?───我们会分析几个部分,现在我要提出的问题是,保罗是如何说服他们的?

how did相似词语短语


2、show biz───演艺圈,演艺事业


4、how now───现在怎么样

5、how do───如何做

6、show day───演出日


8、how so───为何如此?

9、how far───离多远;到什么范围或程度



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