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vacuum pump中文翻译,vacuum pump是什么意思,vacuum pump发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

vacuum pump中文翻译,vacuum pump是什么意思,vacuum pump发音、用法及例句

vacuum pump

vacuum pump发音

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vacuum pump中文意思翻译


n.真空汞,蒸汽吸水机; 真空泵

vacuum pump双语使用场景

1、LS series wet roots vacuum pump is a rough vacuum pumping equipment.───LS型直排大气湿式罗茨真空泵属粗真空获得设备.

2、This deformation happens when the vacuum pump is switched on and off.───这种变形在真空泵启停时发生.

3、The tube is connected to either a hand-held vacuum pump, or to an electric vacuum, and the pregnancy is removed.───该导管或与手持真空泵联结,或与电动真空泵联结,然后移除胎儿 。

4、There are many kinds of rotor profiles for roots vacuum pump.───罗茨真空泵的转子型线有很多种.

5、Water ring vacuum pump is a rotary vacuum pump.───水环式真空泵是回转真空泵的一种.

6、Fast startup - output deoxygenated water simultaneously with the vacuum pump turning on.───启动快 —— 开机启动真空泵即出脱气水.

7、Refer to Group 5, Brake System for vacuum pump information and testing.───参照第5组, 煞车系统来得到真空泵的资讯和测试.

8、Always maintain the vacuum pump!───一直坚持水泵内的实空!

9、Usually, both the vacuum pump and a constriction ring are used together.───通常, 真空泵和收缩环会一起使用.

10、Vacuum pump to maintain the cleanliness and prevent debris into the pump.───保持真空泵的清洁,防止杂物进入泵内.

11、Of a rotary vane vacuum pump, or a liquid ring vacuum pump.───其前级泵可用滑阀泵或旋片泵 、 水环泵、油环泵等真空泵.

12、Includes: infeed table, membrane press , outfeed table, vacuum pump, oil heater.───包括: 进料台 、 薄膜压机、出料台 、 真空泵 、 导热油加热系统.

13、External vacuum pump, low consumption, applied to small production.───真空系统采用外置真空, 耗气量低, 适用于各种小批量作业.

14、The theory of the vacuum pump is actually very simple.───真空泵的原理其实很简单.

15、But gas bubbles in the platinum had led Edison to develop an efficient vacuum pump to remove the air from the inside of his bulbs.───但铂材料中的气泡启发了爱迪生,他开发出一种高效率的真空泵来抽取灯泡里的空气。

16、Curves and tables refer to vacuum pump at normal operating temperature.───工作曲线和数据表所示为真空泵在正常温度下运行.

17、Cassida Fluid VP ( Vacuum Pump Fluid )───加适达vp液压油润滑油 ( 真空泵液压油润滑油 )

vacuum pump相似词语短语

1、vacuum jug───真空罐

2、vacuum tube───真空管;电子管

3、vacuum frame───真空晒版框

4、vacuum tubes───真空管

5、vacuum gauge───n.真空计

6、vacuum pumps───[机]真空泵

7、vacuum frames───真空晒版框


EVP是电子真空助力泵(Electronic Vacuum Pump)的简称,EVP的作用是为真空助力器提供动力源,因为电驱动乘用车没有传统的发动机,无法为真空助力器提供真空度,

Evp故障是制动能量回收系统出现故障,不能正常工作了,对于电驱动车辆而言, 是指在减速或制动过程中,驱动电机工作于发电状态,将车辆的部分动能转化为电能储存于电池中

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