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carry up中文翻译,carry up是什么意思,carry up发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

carry up中文翻译,carry up是什么意思,carry up发音、用法及例句

1、carry up

carry up发音

英:[ˈkæri ʌp]  美:[ˈkæri ʌp]

英:  美:

carry up中文意思翻译



carry up双语使用场景

1、Nimbus is a quickly deployable system that can be flown to any part of the world and can carry up to 18 tonnes of dispersant.───Nimbus号是一个可以在全球范围内作业的快速反应系统,它可以携带18吨的分散剂。

2、To fill this niche, the CAMCOPTER S-100 now can carry up to 80 kg (176 lbs) of external under-slung load.───为了满足需求,CAMCOPTER S-100无人机现在可以采用外部副吊挂携带80公斤(176磅)货物。

3、This boat can carry up to five people.───这艘船最多可载五个人.

4、MWMIK can carry up to three soldiers with their individual weapons, and can operate on a variety of terrains, including off road.───MWMIK能承载最多三名分别持有武器的士兵,并能在多种地形作战,包括远离公路的地形环境。

5、The helicopter can carry up to 8 ATGMs, or IR - guided short - range AAMs.───它能携带8枚反坦克导弹, 或者红外制导的短程空空导弹.

6、Lennie went dot and carry up the stairs with cups of tea.───伦尼端着茶,艰难地上了楼梯.

carry up相似词语短语

1、carry out───vt.执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成

2、carry outs───vt.执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成

3、carve up───v.瓜分;划分

4、cry up───v.夸奖;推崇

5、carry off───夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理

6、carry on───继续;参与

7、hurry up───(使)赶快


9、marry up───结婚;结合;配合;联合


1.carry …into effect /practice 执行,实行,实现,完成。例句Ways to Carry It into Effect. 

2. carry off 带走叼走,夺去…的生命,获得(奖品)。例句people expect her to carry off all the big prizes again.  

3.carry on 坚持,继续,进行。例句Carry on the good work!  carry 4.forward 发扬光大 ; 发扬 ; 推进。例句They are determined to carry forward the enterprise.

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