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shore up中文翻译,shore up是什么意思,shore up发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

shore up中文翻译,shore up是什么意思,shore up发音、用法及例句

shore up

shore up发音

英:  美:

shore up中文意思翻译


支撑住; 戗


shore up双语使用场景

1、Britain must shore up her defenses.───英国必须加强防御.

2、The motorcycle - maker is using the funds to shore up its loss making financing arm.───摩托车制造商用这笔资金以财务融资的形式弥补亏损.

3、We have to shore up the damaged fence.───我们得用支柱撑住坏了的篱笆.

4、Japan has already said it will shore up Banks and offer companies aid.───日本政府已经表示,将为银行提供支撑,为企业提供援助。

5、We had to shore up the damaged wall.───我们不得不把损坏的墙支撑起来.

6、Hybrid securities count toward capital reserves, helping banks shore up their finances after writedowns.───混合型债券可被计入银行的资本储备, 有助于银行在冲销之后支撑他们的财务状况.

7、Financial subsidies to buyers, like helping the poor is to shore up prices.───以财政补贴给购房者, 好像是帮穷人,其实是在托房价.

8、Fiscal stimulus has helped shore up aggregate demand.───财政刺激政策帮助支撑了总需求。

9、They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases.───他们企图用增加税收的办法来挽救日益衰落的经济.

10、The democracies of the West may find it hard to shore up their defences.───西方的民主国家可能发现很难加固自己的防御。

11、Now we're working real hard to shore up back court.───现在我们正在非常努力地补强后场.

12、We shore up the damaged fence.───我们得用支柱撑住坏了的“篱笆”.

13、Now, something be done to shore up the financial system.───现在, 为了保卫金融体系,我们得做点什么.

14、Quentin used several sticks to shore up the tent.───昆廷用几根棍子支撑住帐篷.

15、Separately, Congress also passed a $ 700 billion plan last year to shore up the financial sector.───此外, 国会去年还通过了一项七千亿美元救助计划以支持金融业.

16、Barclays will use about half its new funds to shore up its balance sheet following write - downs.───巴克莱银行会用一半的新资金来支撑因划减造成的资产负债.

shore up相似词语短语

1、shore bugs───岸虱

2、shores up───支持,支撑;加固

3、scare up───张罗;凑合;把吓出来

4、to shore up───支撑

5、store up───储存;积聚

6、shored up───支持,支撑;加固

7、tore up───撕碎;撕毁(协议、合同等);拔起(tearup的过去式)

8、shore bug───岸蝽

9、shoring up───支持,支撑;加固



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