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a case of中文翻译,a case of是什么意思,a case of发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

a case of中文翻译,a case of是什么意思,a case of发音、用法及例句

1、a case of

a case of发音

英:  美:

a case of中文意思翻译




a case of双语使用场景

1、A man in a suit pushes a case of water bottles into the kitchen of a hotel in Washington D. C.───在华盛顿的一个酒店,一个穿着西服的男人用推车推着一箱瓶装水走进了厨房。

2、The ten runners-up will receive a case of wine.───那10名亚军将得到一箱葡萄酒。

3、It's a case of timing, dodging the minions and timing my burrowing to crack that fragile shell without pinging off the shielding.───这就是一个时机的问题,避开小黄人和我挖洞的时机,在不破坏防护的情况下打开脆弱的外壳。

4、We report on a case of a deforming arthropathy in a young man with a lysosomal storage disorder.───我们报告一例变形性关节病中的一名年轻男子的溶酶体储存障碍。

5、That might let me know during the internship as a case of self-Western analysis of various posts roles.───那不妨让我把在实习期间所知道的自助西餐作为例,分析各个岗位的职责吧。

6、Whether it was just a case of better opportunities and compensation or something more cultural, it's unclear at the moment.───这是否只是为了寻求更好的机会和待遇还是文化方面的什么事情,目前还不清楚。

7、There is no doubt it wasn't good against Denmark in the last friendly and it's just a case of getting back to what we are good at.───毫无疑问,在最后的一场对阵丹麦的友谊赛中,我们踢得不好。回到我们所擅长的打法不过是小菜一碟。

8、He was shot in what seems to have been a case of mistaken identity.───他像是被人认错了而遭到枪击的。

9、The King Tiger was a case of too late and too few in number to make a difference in the outcome of the war.───虎王坦克因为出现的太晚数量太少,而没有能够左右战局。

a case of相似词语短语

1、major cause of───主要原因

2、exact cause of───确切原因

3、main cause of───主要原因

4、a cash cow───摇钱树

5、because of───prep.因为;由于

6、care of───由…转交

7、came of───从…引来

8、take care of───照顾;注意;抚养

9、in case of───万一;如果发生;假设

2、in case和in case of什么意思`什么区别?


1、in case万一。是连词,引导条件状语从句。也就是说in case后面是一个完整的句子 。例句:Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。

2、in case of的of是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等。意思和in case差不多,万一的意思例句:In case of rain they can't go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。 in the case of,就...来说, 关于。意思跟上面两个不一样了。一般表示转而提及另一件事情。比如 In the case of woman,they have more difficulty in their job。就女性来说,她们在工作中会遇到更多的困难。

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