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timemachine(time machine中文翻译,time machine是什么意思,time machine发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

timemachine(time machine中文翻译,time machine是什么意思,time machine发音、用法及例句)

time machine

time machine发音

英:[ˈtaɪm məʃiːn]  美:[ˈtaɪm məʃiːn]

英:  美:

time machine中文意思翻译




time machine双语使用场景

1、It was like getting into a time machine and going back 500 years.───你仿佛乘上了时光机一下回到了500年前.

2、You can't, of course, go back in a time machine and change anything that has happened.───当然不能乘时间机回到畴前,更正一经发作的事.

3、Already one scientist has in which he detailed how to build a time machine.───有一位科学家已经发表了一篇论文,详细地描述如何建造一部时间机器.

4、I took a small bag and got into my time machine.───我采取了一个小袋子并且进入我的时间机器.

5、Calvin : Thanks. Wait a minute. Let me close my time machine.───谢谢. 等一等. 让我关了时空转换器.

6、Time Machine compares all later backups the first one.───时间机器每次备份都会和前一次的备份文件做比较.

7、If you delete a file, Time Machine tracks that deletion.───如果你删除一个文件, 时间机器将记录这删除的记录.

8、Because of rammer one time machine, has not wanted again.───因为硪错过了一次机会了, 不想再错过.

9、You can't, of course, back in a time machine and change anything that has happened.───当然你不能乘时光机回到过去,改变已经发生的事.

10、Only later will we reflect that the Rocky Mountaineer is more time machine than transport.───到后来我们才明白,落山基登山号与其说是运输工具,倒不如说是时间机器.

11、He rode a time machine all the way back from the 22 nd century to help Nobita.───他乘坐时光机器由22世纪回到现在来帮助大雄.

12、I was always mesmerized listening to this“time machine”as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.───在她向我传授她的智慧和经验时,我总是着了迷似地倾听这个“时间机器”。

13、Time Machine is an automatic file backup application bundles with Mac OS X together.───时间机器是一个自动备份文件捆绑的应用与MacOSX在一起.

14、Time Machine also will alert you that it will start deleting previous backups, oldest first.───时间机器也将提醒您,将开始删除以前的备份, 最古老的第一次.

15、You unmount the external drive while Time Machine backs up to it.───当时间机器在备份的时候,你卸载了外置硬盘.

16、To illustrate this point, imagine that you stumble upon a time machine in the form of a gate.───为了说明这点,请想象自己碰巧坐上一架时间机器,这部机器的样子就象一扇门。

17、The one Apple extols the most, with reason , is called Time Machine. It's a backup program.───其中一个最可以拿来颂扬的, 叫做“时间机器”. 它是是备份程序.

18、term "time machine", coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to a vehicle transporting people into the far future.───时间机器”一词,由威尔士创造,现在普遍用来指将人类运送到遥远未来的交通工具。

19、What if you had a time machine and could travel back into the past?───要是你有一台时光机器,并且它把你带到过去又能怎么样 呢 ?

20、You can also browse your Time Machine backups in the Finder.───如果你需要找的文件非常久远,时间机器可能把它给删除了.

21、With a big smile he told them about his latest improvement to the time machine.───头上仍戴著那顶从不离身的大礼帽的他,笑开怀地向他们说明他为时光机所做的最新改良.

22、There wasn't enough juice to power the time machine.───电流不够启动这台时间机器.

23、Recycled material plus two time machine, a coating machine three times much less well coated.───再造物料加两次机上涂布的效果,较机上三次涂布差得多.

24、Shortening debugging time will increase the time machine and results in increased productivity.───缩短调试时间会提高机器运转时间,从而提高了生产效率.

25、Ratooning material plus two time machine coated the machine three times in the coating of degraded.───再生材料加两次机上涂布的效果较机上三次涂布的效果差得多.

time machine相似词语短语

1、ticket machine───售票机;自动售票机

2、time machines───(使人可以穿梭于过去、现在和未来之间的一种想像中的)时间机器

3、tape machine───自动收报机;磁带录音机

4、simple machine───[机]简单机械

5、stamp machine───n.邮票自动售卖机

6、ice machine───制冰机

7、tape machines───自动收报机;磁带录音机


time machine n.(名词) A fictional or hypothetical device by means of which one may travel into the future and the past. 时间机器:一种虚构或者假想的装置,通过它可以到未来或过去去旅行

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