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conspicuous consumption中文翻译,conspicuous consumption是什么意思,conspicuous consumption发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

conspicuous consumption中文翻译,conspicuous consumption是什么意思,conspicuous consumption发音、用法及例句

1、conspicuous consumption

conspicuous consumption发音

英:[kənˌspɪkjuəs kənˈsʌmpʃn]  美:[kənˌspɪkjuəs kənˈsʌmpʃn]

英:  美:

conspicuous consumption中文意思翻译


n.炫耀性消费,挥霍; 摆阔性消费


conspicuous consumption双语使用场景

1、The plaster became thicker and thicker as the kings sought to outdo each other conspicuous consumption.───各地领主都想在与别的王侯的争奇斗富中胜出,于是,灰泥涂抹得越来越厚,越来越厚.

2、It was an age of conspicuous consumption — those who had money liked to display it.───那是一个炫耀性消费的年代——有钱人都喜欢炫富。

3、Conspicuous consumption is out.───炫耀性的消费早已过时了。

4、Dont worry: Conspicuous consumption wont disappear.───不过不用担心: 炫耀性消费不会消失.

5、Indeed, conspicuous consumption and waste are an important part of social display.───事实上, 显著的消费和浪费都是社会现实的一个重要组成部分.

6、Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure.───引人注目地挥霍贵重财物是有闲绅士取得名声的手段.

7、It was an age of conspicuous consumption – those who had money liked to display it.───那是一个炫耀性消费的时代—有钱人喜欢摆阔。

8、But the suit is yet another sign that mad, conspicuous consumption is creeping back.───不过,这款西装再次显示了疯狂 、 惹人注目的消费又悄然回来了.

9、Attitudes to conspicuous consumption are changing.───炫耀性消费的看法正在改变。

10、We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption.───我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费.

11、In the opportunity culture of the United States, by contrast, conspicuous consumption was more tolerated.───相比之下,在美国的机会文化中, 人们更能宽容奢侈.

12、The final frontier in conspicuous consumption: space.───炫耀性消费的最后阵地是太空.

conspicuous consumption相似词语短语

1、continuous creations───连续创造;不断创新;稳恒态宇宙论

2、continuous function───[数]连续函数;连续功能

3、specific fuel consumption───n.[动力]燃油消耗率;[动力]比燃料消耗率;单位燃烧消耗量

4、alcohol consumption───酒精消耗

5、for sb's consumption───供某人消费

6、electricity consumption───用电;电力消耗

7、continuous creation───连续创造;不断创新;稳恒态宇宙论

8、energy consumption───[物]能量损耗

9、household consumption───生活用电需量


Conspicuous consumption lead to social production guide is not reasonable, is not conducive to achieve the goal of common prosperity. Conspicuous consumption makes a lot of resources and financial resources into available in the production of waste. While the society to satisfy people's real need is the lack of resources and financial input, a large number of poverty alleviation project need financial support. So conspicuous consumption and our policy to enrich the people is abhorrent. 望采纳

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