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too far中文翻译,too far是什么意思,too far发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

too far中文翻译,too far是什么意思,too far发音、用法及例句

too far

too far发音

英:  美:

too far中文意思翻译




too far双语使用场景

1、Don't carry [ push ] the joke too far at others.───开人玩笑不要太过分.

2、That's going too far.───欺人太甚.

3、too far to walk—I'll take you by car.───太远,我开车送你去。

4、We've come too far; turn the car around and go back.───我们已经走了很远, 把车掉过头来往回开吧.

5、That's going a bit too far.───你这 话 有点出格了.

6、If you lean too far towards the water, you might fall in.───你身子要是朝水面斜得太厉害说不定要掉进水里.

7、He went too far afield.───他离题太远了.

8、Don't go too far afield or you'll get lost.───别走得太远,要不然你会迷路的.

9、Don't presume too far!───不要太放肆!

10、This time he's gone too far.───这一次他太过分了。

11、Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.───过犹不及.

12、They went too far and gave the game away.───他们做得太过分而把事情败露了.

13、I'm not working there—for a start, it's too far to travel.───我不去那边干活儿—首先,路太远,去不了。

14、I bent back too far and hurt my neck.───我向后仰得过度了,扭伤了脖子.

15、I think that's taking things too far.───我以为那样做太过分.

16、Her parents are very tolerant, but sometimes she pushes them too far.───她的父母十分宽容,但她有时也让他们忍无可忍。

17、The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.───天上无数的星星离我们太远了.

18、She was too far gone to understand anything we said to her.───她已神志不清,听不懂我们向她说的任何话。

too far相似词语短语

1、how far───离多远;到什么范围或程度

2、to faa───联邦航空局

3、so far───到目前为止,迄今为止

4、to fair───公平

5、to fag───两个隔间

6、go far───成功;扬名;行远路;大有前途

7、to fare───车费

8、to fan───n.[气象]托范风暴

9、took for───认为;以为

too far用英语什么意思?

在英语中far是遥远的意思,大部分听到too far,都会觉得是“太远”,那其实这里所说的是“你太过分了”,例句:I didn't mind at first, but now you have gone too far刚开始我不介意,但是现在你做的有点过分了。

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