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in heaven(in the heaven中文翻译,in the heaven是什么意思,in the heaven发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

in heaven(in the heaven中文翻译,in the heaven是什么意思,in the heaven发音、用法及例句)

in the heaven

in the heaven发音

英:  美:

in the heaven中文意思翻译



in the heaven双语使用场景

1、He said he had made his first cautious flight only two feet up at first.But to Moshier, two feet up was like being in the heaven.───他说他终于谨慎的进行了第一次试飞。在这次试飞中,他的飞行器只飞离地面两英尺。

2、Maybe, in the heaven where have no dark night but brightness, all the candlelight return to the forever brightness in stead of dying out.───也许,在天国里没有黑夜,只有光明,所有的烛光其实并未熄灭,只是回到了那永恒的光明中?

3、For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? [who] among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD?───在天空谁能比耶和华呢。神的众子中,谁能像耶和华呢。

4、waiting for me in the heaven, you know I really want to see you again.───请在天堂等待我,你知道我真的想再见你一面。

5、He made mistakes in the Heaven and was punished as an ox in the Earth.───他所作的错误,在天堂与惩罚作为一个牛年,在地球。

6、If she refuses again you ask God in the heaven whether you can have sex with her or not.───如果他在拒绝你,你就问上帝你是否可以和她**。

7、said that Shi had said that his dream was to be an athlete since he was a child. So Li Qing hoped that he could realize his dream in the Heaven.───李青说,史铁生的离去实在是太突然了,很后悔没见到他最后一面,记得他说过从小的梦想是做个运动员,希望他到天国后能当个运动健将,满足他小时候的理想。

8、May you have happiness in the Heaven. You've inspired a lot of people.───希望于娟在天堂幸福,你激励了很多人!

9、The river is long, the boat seems fly in the air, don't know where to stop. I feel like an angel in the heaven, separated from earth.───乘着轻风(在江面上)无所不至,并不知到哪里才会停栖,感觉身轻得似要离开尘世飘飞而去,有如道家羽化成仙。

in the heaven相似词语短语

1、in the rear───在后面

2、in the event───如果;结果

3、in the hole───负债,亏空;遇到经济困难

4、in the least───一点;丝毫

5、in the open───在户外;在野外

6、in the frame───在框架内

7、in the main───基本上

8、in the secret───知道内情

9、in the can───**杀青



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