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derry-o(the expense中文翻译,the expense是什么意思,the expense发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

derry-o(the expense中文翻译,the expense是什么意思,the expense发音、用法及例句)

1、the expense

the expense发音

英:  美:

the expense中文意思翻译



the expense双语使用场景

1、fame was bought at the expense of her marriage.───名,却牺牲了她的婚姻。

2、To me it would seem only a commercial exchange, in which each wished to be benefited at the expense of the other.───对我来说,这似乎只是一种商品交换,双方都想损人利己。

3、And a lower tax bill does not always compensate for the expense and monotony of Swiss life.───并且较低的税金并不能补偿在瑞士生活的开支以及其乏味无趣。

4、You may be a bit concerned about how much you'll need to spend to attend this event, but it seems special and well worth the expense.───你可能会有些在意参与这一事会花费自己多少,但是这却是值得花费的。

5、Greater ties with non-western countries seem to be coming at the expense of the Europe Union, in particular.───扩大与非西方国家的往来,似乎尤其影响到与欧盟的关系。

6、The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.───该管弦乐队现在更有纪律了,但却牺牲了士气。

7、If Mr Hirst were managing a quoted company, he would be unable to enrich himself at the expense of his investors in quite the same way.───如果赫斯特先生经营一个上市公司,他的投资者同样这么做就不会让他自己获益。

8、I'll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth.───我会想办法给他省下从珀斯过来的机票费用。

9、Due to the expense of the Show and Display process, we recommend waiting a few years for it to turn 25 and then importing one.───鉴于在“供作展览”的过程当中要产生相应的费用,我们还是建议再等上几年,满了25年的期限之后再进口一部。

the expense相似词语短语

1、wide expanse───广袤

2、extra expense───[会计]额外费用

3、to expense───支出

4、car expenses───汽车费用

5、other expenses───[会计]其他费用;[会计]营业外费用

6、vast expense───巨额开支

7、the offense───进攻



n.费用; 花费的钱; 消耗; 花钱的东西;

vt.向…收取费用; 把…作为开支勾销;




Suppose that a government or central bank tried to raise output and employment at the expense of accepting higher inflation.


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