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oneclass(one class中文翻译,one class是什么意思,one class发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

oneclass(one class中文翻译,one class是什么意思,one class发音、用法及例句)

one class

one class发音

英:  美:

one class中文意思翻译



one class双语使用场景

1、Fairfield Greenwich, which had $7. 5bn invested with Mr Madoff, faces at least one class action lawsuit from enraged investors.───FairfieldGreenwich交给马多夫投资的资金达75亿美元,该集团面临着愤怒投资者发起的至少一起集体诉讼。

2、Just one class is all you need to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to a study from Jefferson Medical College.───根据杰弗逊医学院的一项研究,仅仅只需一堂瑜珈课就能降低压力荷尔蒙--考的索的水平。

3、Establish one class per analytical model.───每个分析模型建立一个类。

4、Yes, we could have simply written one class and been done with it, but that was not the point.───是的,我们已经写了一个简单的类并使它工作,但这不是关键所在。

5、Pursuing eximious quality , producing one class of product , saistar found a beautiful tomorrow together with all the unfeigned customers .───追求卓越质量、制造一流产品,赛斯达人将与一切诚信客户亲密合作,共创美好明天。

6、day I have only one class.───今天我只有一节课。

7、The biological experimental data used for candidate gene prioritization with one-class SVM is usually contaminated with errors and noise.───在利用单类支持向量机对候选基因排序时会用到各种生物实验数据,这些实验数据往往带有误差和噪声。

8、Up in heaven, the Founding Parents looked down on the new, one-class America and pronounced it equal.───在天上的美国开国元勋们,看到下面成了一个阶级的情形,可以宣布实现了平等与和谐。

9、One class that I thought was very interesting and that doesn't relate to my career so much was a family law class.───有一门课是家庭法课程,我认为这门课很有趣,而且它和我的职业关系不太大。

one class相似词语短语

1、dance class───舞蹈班


3、life class───模特儿教学班;写生课


5、lower class───下层阶级;下层社会

6、form class───形式类;词类



9、tie clasps───领带夹

one class和class one的区别?

one class: 一门课

One class that I thought was very interesting and that doesn't relate to my career so much was a family law class.


class one: 一班

Class One grade Seven, this is my class.


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