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节约时间英语(time saving中文翻译,time saving是什么意思,time saving发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

节约时间英语(time saving中文翻译,time saving是什么意思,time saving发音、用法及例句)

time saving

time saving发音

英:[ˈtaɪm seɪvɪŋ]  美:[ˈtaɪm seɪvɪŋ]

英:  美:

time saving中文意思翻译



time saving双语使用场景

1、This kind flaunted that time - saving reduces effort the healthy card, the resident varies to its manner.───这种标榜省时省力的“健康卡”, 市民对其态度不一.

2、Under certain circumstances, including material processing more cost - effective, time - saving effort.───一定情况下, 包料加工更经济实惠 、 省时省力.

3、Cell engineering techniques have been widely using in breeding for their advantages of time - saving and efficiency.───细胞工程以其特有的优点在育种上广为应用.

4、It's also a time - saving way to keep decision - makers in the loop.───也是一种省时的保持 决策人 消息灵通的方式.

5、Hailed as " the power of electrical installation time - saving pioneer. "───被誉为 “ 电力电气安装省时省力先锋 ”.

6、We will to help you acquire time - saving, high efficiency, high - precision and stable connector.───我们会尽量协助您以获得省时, 高效率, 高精度,而又耐用的联结器.

7、The method is easy operating, time - saving, high precision and reproducibility.───方法操作简单, 省时, 精确度高,重复性好.

8、Time - saving, high efficiency, particularly applicable to the shortage of manpower recruitment difficult place.───省时省力, 效益高, 特别适用于人手短缺招工难的地方.

9、Easy to operate time - saving , labor - saving, high efficiency, low failure.───操作简单、省时省工 、 效率高 、 故障率低.

10、Here are 61 time saving tips to help you get the most out of your day.───这里有61个节省时间的小窍门,帮助你每天收获最多。

11、Passive Income Examples: Useful books and guides, time saving computer applications, etc.───被动收入的例子:有用的书籍和导购、节省时间的电脑应用软件等。

12、The taxi ride might be expensive, but it's time - saving.───乘坐出租车或许贵了些, 可是它 倒 蛮省时的.

13、This method is time saving, and avoids contacting phenol.───此法具有省时、省力 、 避免接触苯等优点.

14、The method is of good flexibility, safety, reliability and is time - saving and labor - saving.───本发明具有灵活性好 、 安全性好 、 可靠性强、省时省力的显著优点.

15、Thethe advantages of convenient use, time saving, shapely and novel appearance.───使用时调节方便 、 省时, 外观新颖别致,美观大方.

16、It is easier and time  saving to find customers on Internet.───因特网上找寻客户省时又省力.

17、Additionally, knowing where parsing errors occured in the original source can be very time saving.───另外,知道解析错误在源文件中的发生位置可以节省大量时间。

18、Conclusion Superfiltration is proved to be a simple, time - saving method for the isolation of herbal polysaccharides.───结论超滤法分离多糖是一种有效的方法.工艺简单, 生产周期短.

time saving相似词语短语



3、time sharing───分时(一中央处理系统同时为数个使用者服务的安排)







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