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looking up中文翻译,looking up是什么意思,looking up发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

looking up中文翻译,looking up是什么意思,looking up发音、用法及例句

looking up

looking up发音

英:  美:

looking up中文意思翻译



looking up双语使用场景

1、Chastened by the experience, I keep looking up the switch backs to see if I can spot other dust clouds ahead, but I see none.───有了这段经历,后面每到一个回转口,我就往前看有没有车掀起的大片尘土,好在没有。

2、He was looking up and down the road as if he were expecting someone.───他向大道上张望着,好像在等待着什么人。

3、Made with feathers like a bird-like wings of the romantic side of the side wings are waving helplessly looking up the empty blue sky.───像个用羽毛自制了翅膀的鸟人般一边浪漫的挥摆翅膀一边却无助的仰视着空旷的蓝天。

4、Johnny lay for a long time awake with his head in his mother's lap, looking up at the stars.───他把头枕靠在母亲腿上,仰望星空,一直没有睡着。

5、He replied without looking up.───他头也不抬地回答。

6、I know, I know," said Ken, grumpily, without looking up.───我知道,我知道” 肯没好气地说着,连头也不抬。

7、It behaves as though it were a giant hash table, looking up key = value pairs. Give it a key, and set or get some arbitrary data.───Memcached的奇妙之处在于它的两阶段hash的方法,它通过一个巨大的hash表来查找key=value对,给它一个key,就可以set或get数据了。

8、We hold hands, looking up to happiness.───我们紧握双手,仰望幸福。

9、"A heart-shaped bloodstone, " he said, without looking up. "One of a pair. "───“一块心形的鸡血石。”他头也不抬地说,“那是一对中的一块。”

looking up相似词语短语

1、clocking up───记录;赢得;达到

2、looking out───远望

3、locking up───监禁;锁上;固定(lockup的现在分词)

4、looming up───隐隐呈现

5、hooking up───连结

6、cooking up───虚构,伪造

7、booking up───预订(票、车位、舱位等);全部预定完

8、looking upon───看待;把…看作

9、blocking up───阻碍;垫高;停用;阻塞


你说的很对,但是”查找”只是其中的一个意思.LOOK UP 有很多意思向上看,she is looking up in the sky.尊敬 his behaviour makes me look up to him拜访好转我就不一一举例了.

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