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explain to中文翻译,explain to是什么意思,explain to发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

explain to中文翻译,explain to是什么意思,explain to发音、用法及例句

explain to

explain to发音

英:  美:

explain to中文意思翻译



explain to双语使用场景

1、Excuse me , would you please explain to me the necessary procedures for nullifying the tax registration?───请问如何办理税务登记注销手续?

2、Let me explain to you how the human body works.───让我解释一下人体是怎么运作的.

3、I'll explain to you where everything goes.───我会向你解释所有东西的摆放位置。

4、Please explain to me where to begin and how to do it.───请向我说明从哪里开始以及怎样做.

5、Did Bill Buchanan explain to you about Assad?───比尔·布坎南有对你说阿萨德的事 吗 ?

6、He tries to explain to his teacher, Mr. Summer.───他设法向他的老师, 萨默先生解释.

7、Explain to me how our current course of attack and retreat leads to victory?───告诉我你们现在的进攻和撤退如何能获得胜利?

8、We explain to everybody that the delay is unavoidable.───我们向大家解释延迟是不可避免的.

9、You want to explain to me why your prints were found on the cash register?───那你能不能跟解释一下为什么你的指纹会出现在收银机上?

10、I'm going to have to explain to them that I can't pay them.───我将不得不向他们解释我不能付钱给他们。

11、I will explain to them that I can't pay them.───我会向他们解释说我无法付钱给他们。

12、Can you explain to me the operation procedure of these markets?───能否解释一下这些市场的运作程序?

13、Several people buttonholed television reporters to explain to them their reasons for not voting.───几个人拉住电视台记者非要向他们解释自己不投票的理由。

14、He tried to explain to her, but she brushed him off impatiently.───他试图向她解释, 可她不耐烦地不搭理他.

15、As for my aunt, naturally I'll explain to her.───姑妈方面, 我自然会解释.

16、You'd better go and explain to the teacher.───你最好去向老师解释清楚.

17、If he could only explain to Fitzgerald and Moy, maybe it would be all right again.───只要他能向费茨杰拉德和莫埃解释清楚, 也许就会没事了.

18、I'll explain to you later. Now scram!───以后我解释给你听。你现在走开!

explain to相似词语短语








explain doing 还是to do?

explain to do 解释做某事

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