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hop off中文翻译,hop off是什么意思,hop off发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

hop off中文翻译,hop off是什么意思,hop off发音、用法及例句

hop off

hop off发音

英:  美:

hop off中文意思翻译



hop off双语使用场景

1、After refueling there we will hop off for Beijing.───加油以后我们将继续飞往北京.

2、What tools can you use to find out when a market surge hop off with profit?───你能找到工具,带着利润在波动结束时出场 吗 ?

3、The new bus USES more efficient green technology and has two staircases and an open platform, enabling people to hop on and hop off.───这种新的巴士使用更加高效的环保技术,拥有两个楼梯和一个开放的平台,方便乘客跳上跳下。

4、If you see anyone hanging around here tell them to hop off.───如果你看到有人在这儿闲荡,就叫他们走开。

5、Next, get ready to hop off. You will probably be terrified, which is a shame, for fear interferes with perception.───接下来就是准备亲自跳了,你大概会感到恐惧-这种感觉让人有点羞愧。

6、The plane was ready to hop off when he hurried there.───当他匆匆赶到那里时,飞机已准备起飞了.

7、She was not willing to hop off as I drove at the gate of her house.───我把车开到她家门口时,她还不肯下车.

8、All the passangers must hop off since this is the terminal station.───所有乘客都必须下车,因为这是终点站.

hop off相似词语短语

1、cops off───警察离开

2、drop off───减少;让……下车;睡着

3、lop off───砍掉;缩短

4、top off───结束;完成

5、pop off───n.溢放口;v.突然离去

6、hold off───拖延;不接近;不使…接近

7、chops off───砍掉

8、chop off───砍掉

9、cop off───逃避



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