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去沙滩英语(Go to the beach中文翻译,Go to the beach是什么意思,Go to the beach发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

去沙滩英语(Go to the beach中文翻译,Go to the beach是什么意思,Go to the beach发音、用法及例句)

Go to the beach

Go to the beach发音

英:  美:

Go to the beach中文意思翻译



Go to the beach双语使用场景

1、It was a grey day, and we decided not to go to the beach.───外面天很阴, 我们决定不去海边了.

2、Why not go to the beach.───不妨去海边.

3、Would you like to go to the beach with me tomorrow morning?───明天上午你愿意和我一起去海滨 吗 ?

4、Does this bus go to the beach?───这辆公共汽车到海滨 吗 ?

5、When we go to the beach next time, we should be careful with our garbage.───当我们下次去海滩的时候,我们应该妥善收拾好自己的垃圾。

6、Will you and Martha go to the beach if it rains?───如果下雨你和玛萨去海滩 吗 ?

7、Let's go to the beach.───咱们去海滩吧。

8、You go to the beach with the kids and I'll follow on when I've finished work.───你和孩子们去海滨,我办完事随后就去。

9、Miguel decided to go to the beach alone.───米格尔决定自已去海滩.

10、I want to go to the beach.───我要去海边.

11、Let's go to the beach for the long weekend.───让我们去海滩度过这个悠长的周末吧.

12、Would you like to go to the beach or anywhere?───你喜欢去海滨或是其他什么地方 吗 ?

13、You can also go to the beach zone of gold!───你也可以去开发区的金沙滩!

14、Diane, would you like to go to the beach or stay here in the pool?───戴安, 你想去海边还是呆在家里的游泳池里?

15、At my free time i like to be with friends go to the beach and party.───在我有空闲的时候,我喜欢和朋友们一起去海边或者开派对.

16、I often get a sunburn when I go to the beach.───我去沙滩的时候常常晒伤.

17、Do you build sand castles when you go to the beach?───你去沙滩的时候,堆沙丘城堡了 吗 ?

18、I often go to the beach to catch shrimps and crabs.───我经常到海滩去捉小虾和螃蟹.

Go to the beach相似词语短语

1、go on the block───去那个街区

2、fight to the death───决一死战

3、go to the pack───去打包吧

4、go by the board───被丢弃;从船上落水;被忽视

5、go to the mat───参加一场激战

6、go to the wall───碰壁;失败

7、go to the bad───得病;变坏

8、go to the devil───滚开;毁灭;堕落

9、go to the bathroom───上厕所

go to the beaches

beach 很好理解,因为你去海滩,一个海滩是一体的,所以用单数.

注意:beach 本身是可数的!楼上说的有误.

至于第二个 go to the mountains,其实单复数的说法都可以(可以查一下),用复数的时候可以理解为“群山连绵”的意思.


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