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count out中文翻译,count out是什么意思,count out发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

count out中文翻译,count out是什么意思,count out发音、用法及例句

count out

count out发音

英:  美:

count out中文意思翻译


<非正>逐一数出,大声数; <非正>不把…考虑在内


count out双语使用场景

1、I think that I'm not alone, all of us count out slowly when we will finish.───我想我不会那样孤独, 当我们将结束时,我们中所有人都要慢慢点人数.

2、We'll have to count out Frank for next Sunday's trip.───我们下星期六旅行不得不把弗兰克排除在外.

3、But this is Paris, after all, so don't count out glamour entirely.───但这里是巴黎, 所以不要指望人们为这些东西完全着魔.

4、Never a good thing count out Duncan and Parker's Spurs.───忽视邓肯和帕克的马刺永远都不是好事.

5、Mother would count out to her a bundle of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.───母亲会把积攒了几个星期的一捆要洗的衣服一件一件数着交给她.

6、The population growth of males in China, by recent official count out of proportion of females.───根据最近的官方统计,中国的男女增长比例失调.

7、Never count out jobs that are "too far" away.───永远不要排除那些太远的工作。

8、She produced a bundle of notes and proceeded to count out one hundred and ninety-five pounds.───她拿出一捆钞票,接着数出了195英镑。

9、If I asked you to count out 8.7 million pennies, that would take you a while, even if you had a whole lot of people doing it.───如果我让你去数870万便士的话,那将耗掉你好一会儿的时间——即使是一大帮子人在数。

10、You can't count out guys like Gaudio.───你不能忘记了GAUDIO这样的选手.

11、one of the tests, test subjects were told to count out a stack of $100 dollarbills and then immerse their hands in hot water.───一个测试要求一组受测者数一沓100美元面额的钞票,然后将手浸入热水中。

12、We have to count out John for tomorrow's trip.───我们只得在明天的旅游中减掉约翰.

13、Mother would count out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.───那时母亲会数出一大包积存了几个星期的脏衣服给她.

count out相似词语短语

1、hunt out───找出;搜寻出

2、counted out───点数;不把…算在内;拳击中判输

3、counting out───点数;不把…算在内;拳击中判输

4、counts out───点数;不把…算在内;拳击中判输

5、count up───共计;把…加起来

6、count off───报数

7、point out───指出,指明

8、count on───指望;依靠

9、count noun───可数名词



countif函数是Microsoft Excel中对指定区域中符合指定条件的单元格计数的一个函数

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