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founding fathers中文翻译,founding fathers是什么意思,founding fathers发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

founding fathers中文翻译,founding fathers是什么意思,founding fathers发音、用法及例句

founding fathers

founding fathers发音

英:  美:

founding fathers中文意思翻译



n.开国者,创立人( founding father的名词复数 )

founding fathers双语使用场景

1、You're that family with the conspiracy theory about the Founding Fathers?───你是那个宣扬我们建国先辈阴谋理论的家族?

2、H . G . Wells remains one of the founding fathers of science fiction.───威尔斯是科幻小说的创始人之一.

3、This practice recalls a famous condemnation of village India by one of the country's founding fathers, b.r..───这种做法让人回忆起开国元勋之一b.r.安贝德卡对印度乡村的著名谴责。

4、A: The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution.───答: 开国先贤拟定宪法.

5、Those founding fathers liked to make their ideas and opinions widely known; Washington once claimed indignantly that his face never betrayed his feelings.───这些开国元勋的理念和思想更让人们所熟知:华盛顿总统曾经说过他的脸从来不会泄露自已的感情。

6、He was fascinated by the Founding Fathers.───他特别景仰的是开国元勋.

7、The Founding Fathers acted on certain moral principles.───开创人是依据一定的道德准则行事的.

8、Hamilton was never President. But he was the first Secretary of the Treasury and one of the Founding Fathers.───汉密尔顿虽然没当过总统,但是他是第一位美国财政部长,以及开国元勋之一。

founding fathers相似词语短语

1、nursing father───养父

2、Founding Fathers───开国者;开国元勋

3、founding family───创始家族

4、doting father───溺爱的父亲

5、founding member───创始成员国;创办会员

6、founding father───开国元勋;创建人

7、the Founding Fathers───开国元勋

8、nursing fathers───养父

9、founding members───创始成员国;创办会员



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