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clean air中文翻译,clean air是什么意思,clean air发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

clean air中文翻译,clean air是什么意思,clean air发音、用法及例句

clean air

clean air发音

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clean air中文意思翻译




clean air双语使用场景

1、No American should have to drive out of town to breathe clean air.───任何美国人都不应非得开车出城去呼吸清洁的空气。

2、A second method is to use a clean - air hood at the loading station.───另一种方法是在操作台用净化空气罩.

3、Hailuogou clean air, is a piece of virgin land not yet developed.───海螺沟空气纯净, 是一块尚未开发的处女地.

4、Clean air is surely much better and more hygienic.───清洁的空气当然好,更加卫生.

5、Clean Air Amendment ( 1970 ) provided stringent automotive, aircraft, and factory emission standards.───1970年洁净空气法修正案规定汽车 、 飞机与工厂排放标准.

6、Hot - air furnace is the heat - source equipment for supplying clean - air to dry grain.───摘要热风炉是为粮食烘干提供洁净空气的热源设备.

7、Now, more and more people are realizing the importance of clean air.───现在越来越多的人意识到净化空气的重要性.

8、Subsequently, in 1977, the Clean Air Act was amended by addition of section 317.───随后在1977年, 《洁净空气法案》已经修正,增加了第317条款.

9、Super - clean air drying system, drying without any trace of water.───超净风干燥系统, 工作干燥无水迹.

10、These clean air credits could later be transferred to new firms locating in the community.───这些净化空气储存量可以在以后转到坐落在该区里的其他新公司.

11、Today you have clean air to breathe───今天你有新鲜空气呼吸

12、David lives in East Point with very clean air.───戴维住在空气很干净的东角地区.

13、Fit to oil skin, reduce acne. Clean air and make people stimulation.───适合油性肤质, 治疗粉刺、皮肤炎及毛孔阻塞. 激励精神,净化空气.

14、A more recent protection for federal lands is to be found in the Clean Air Act.───对联邦土地的保护最近见于《洁净空气法案》.

15、That case involved section 211 ( c ) ( 1 ) ( A ) of the Clean Air Act.───此案涉及到《洁净空气法案》的第211条 ( C ) ( 1 ) ( A ).

16、Trees can clean air and beautiful life.───同时树木还帮我们净化空气,美化生活。

17、In addition, the area with underground parking, high green, clean air.───另外, 小区配有地下车库, 绿化率较高, 空气清新.

18、Finally, it's important to protect the environment and have clean air.───最后, 保护环境、拥有清新的空气十分重要.

clean air相似词语短语

1、clean a room───打扫房间

2、clean eating───饮食方面维持干净;洁食;净化饮食

3、clean water───清水

4、clean up───清理;大捞一笔;收割(游戏术语)


6、clean bill───清洁票据

7、clean out───清除,打扫干净


9、clean ups───清理;大捞一笔;收割(游戏术语)


clean air 的读音为:[kli:n eə(r)]   意思是纯洁空气;

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