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a poor boy是什么意思(poor boy中文翻译,poor boy是什么意思,poor boy发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

a poor boy是什么意思(poor boy中文翻译,poor boy是什么意思,poor boy发音、用法及例句)

poor boy

poor boy发音

英:  美:

poor boy中文意思翻译




poor boy双语使用场景

1、He was going to deep fry the poor boy!───他准备要把这可怜的男孩油炸一番!

2、They beat the poor boy black and blue.───他们把那可怜的男孩打得遍体鳞伤.

3、A poor boy like me couldn't go to school.───象我这样的穷孩子上不了学.

4、The poor boy beseeched only with his eyes.───这个可怜的孩子只能用眼睛哀求。

5、The poor boy sobbed himself to sleep.───那可怜的男孩啜泣到入睡.

6、The poor boy has been run down by a bus.───那个可怜的男孩被一辆公共汽车撞伤了.

7、Capone was an underdog hero, a poor boy who made it big.───彭是个草莽英雄,一个飞黄腾达了的穷小子。

8、Poor boy, he thought his honour required him not to take advantage of my inexperience.───可怜的孩子, 他认为他的荣誉要求他不能趁机利用我的缺乏经验.

9、The poor boy was chucked out of his home.───这个可怜的孩子被赶出了家.

10、The aged and illustrious man had done what the poor boy had refused to do.───这位年迈的、显赫的人物此刻做了这个穷孩子不肯做的事.

11、Poor boy, he's going away so soon, I may as well be nice to him.───可怜的孩子! 他很快就要走了, 我也不妨顺着他点儿.

12、Don't pull the poor boy about!───别虐待这可怜的男孩.

13、The poor boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work.───这个贫穷的孩子不得不在晚上干完活后自修.

14、God forgive me, I cracked Tom's head with my thimble, poor boy, poor dead boy.───上帝饶恕我吧,我用顶针敲了汤姆的头,可怜的孩子,可怜的短命孩子啊。

15、The poor boy smelled the delicious odour of cooked meat.───这可怜的孩子闻到了香喷喷的肉味.

16、The poor boy is usually knocked around by his stepfather.───那个不幸的男孩常遭继父殴打.

17、The poor boy was beaten into obedience.───这可怜的男孩被打得惟命是从.

18、Don't make fun of the poor boy.───不要取笑那个可怜的孩子.

poor boy相似词语短语

1、poor boys───切开中间夹肉干酪蔬菜等的大三明治

2、poor box───济贫箱;慈善箱;捐款箱

3、poor boxes───济贫箱;慈善箱;捐款箱

4、boot boy───n.粗暴孩童;擦鞋男童


6、poster boy───海报男孩(**名)

7、poor cod───小鳕;细长臀鳕


9、po' boy───穷小子三明治

The poor boy would still be alive now if he ____ that wrongdrug.

根据句子意思,这里填的是过去完成时hadn't taken 。didn't take 是一般过去时,所以不能用。

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