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下沉的英文(all down中文翻译,all down是什么意思,all down发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

下沉的英文(all down中文翻译,all down是什么意思,all down发音、用法及例句)

all down

all down发音

英:  美:

all down中文意思翻译



all down双语使用场景

1、There was dribble all down the baby's front.───这婴儿胸前淌满了口水。

2、If he fails, he'll drag us all down with him.───要是他失败了,他会使我们大家连同他一起毁掉的。

3、'I'm going to ask some questions, Mr King, 'the Inspector said, 'and Sergeant Foster is going to write it all down. '───“金先生,我想问你几个问题,”探长说,“然后福斯特警官会把你说的话都记录下来。”

4、He's fond of repeating that the company's success is all down to him.───他老爱说公司的成功全都归功于他。

5、Here they were, regular customers, and she had turned them all down in favour of this comparative stranger.───顾客们到了,她把几个常来的客人弃在一边不管,去应酬这位比较陌生的顾客。

6、"But we've turned them all down. Martha will be back in school on Monday and no doubt writing her blog. "───“但我们都拒绝了。玛莎下周一要回学校,当然还会继续写她的博客。”

7、John McCain and Barack Obama talk as if it was all down to the greed of modern bankers.───约翰?麦凯恩和巴拉克?奥巴马则将一切都归咎于现代银行家的贪婪。

8、Nevertheless, the argument that the price rise is all down to speculators is far from proven.───尽管如此,认为价格升高主要是由于投机者哄抬的看法仍然缺乏根据。

9、She saw my disappointment however, and said she would write it all down for me. Put it in an envelope to open when she was dead and gone.───她看到我失望不过,说她会把一切给我写下来,放在一个信封里,当她死去后留给我,我很高兴。

all down相似词语短语

1、hull down───船体下沉

2、calls down───祈求到;责骂;招致

3、pull down───摧毁,推翻;拉下来;使……下跌

4、nail down───确定,明确;用钉钉住

5、call down───祈求到;责骂;招致

6、fall down───跌倒;失败;倒塌

7、calm down───平静下来;镇定下来

8、falls down───跌倒;失败;倒塌

9、fell down───倒下;感到闷闷不乐


1. "allfallsdown"这个题目应该读作 "all falls down"。

2. 因为这个题目中的单词 "falls" 是 fall 的第三人称单数形式,表示 "落下",而 "down" 则表示 "向下",所以整个题目的意思是 "所有的东西都会落下来"。

3. 这个题目可能与重力、失败、崩溃等主题有关,可以进一步探讨。

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