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lap up中文翻译,lap up是什么意思,lap up发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

lap up中文翻译,lap up是什么意思,lap up发音、用法及例句

1、lap up

lap up发音

英:  美:

lap up中文意思翻译



将…卷叠起来; 舔食,喝掉; 轻信,照单全收; 欣然接受

lap up双语使用场景

1、You still need to lap up compliments to satisfy your overly self - esteem .───你仍然需要圈了恭维,以满足您过于 自尊.

2、Her Highness commands Han Meng - hsiang to lap up the wine in her hair!───王母娘娘命令韩孟翔吮干她头发上的酒渍呢!

3、You never lap up your elbow with your tongue.───你永远不可能用你的舌头舔到你的手肘.

4、Most surprising, some lizards, such as geckos and skinks, lap up nectar and pollen and then transport the stuff on their faces and feet as they forage onward.───更令人惊讶的是,某些蜥蜴,譬如喜爱甜食花蜜和花粉的壁虎和石龙子,它们在进食过程中其面部和足部的花粉也会被传播出去。

5、They're happy to lap up the hospitality of their rescuers.───他们欣然接受了那些救助者的好意.

6、Dog-loving kids (are there any who aren't?) will lap up "Famished in Florida's" beef that his people are putting him on a diet, complete with his stick-thin self-portrait titled "skinny me."───喜欢狗的孩子们(谁不是呢?) 会欣然接受那只叫做“佛罗里达的饥饿”的牛——它的人民正在让它节食,结果是它的“树棍一样瘦、被当作自画像标题的‘皮包骨的我’”。

7、Don't lap up your soup, children, it's not polite.───不要舔食菜汤, 孩子们, 那样做不礼貌.

8、In addition to the Hong Bi lap up, we also have the video of the field.───除了红笔圈起来的之外, 我们还有实地的视频.

9、Their audience will lap up whatever they throw at them.───他们的观众会照单全收他们抛来的任何信息。

10、These clever students lap up all the information that I can give them.───这些聪明的学生很快接受了我能给他们的所有信息.

11、Their audience will lap up whatever they throw at them.───不管是什么节目,他们的观众都照单全收。

lap up相似词语短语

1、ramp up───倾斜升温(每单位时间之温度上升);产能提升;斜升

2、laps up───舔食;欣然接受

3、lays up───v.贮存;搁置;卧床不起

4、lay up───v.贮存;搁置;卧床不起

5、flag up───指出

6、slip up───v.疏忽;跌倒;遭到不幸

7、lain up───躺下

2、hold up除了阻碍,举起,还是什么意思?

hold uphold up表示举起的时候,一般有两种用法:\r

举起身体的某一部分,hold up(=raise) your hand,hold up your head and tell yourself you will never give up.

用手举起一个事物,多为比较轻小的物体,he held up the book so she could see the cover. he held up his gun to shoot. 因为hold本身不是一个大动作,而主要是一个手的动作,例如hold the cup for me 帮我拿着杯子 He was holding his hat (in his hand).他手里拿着帽子。所以即便加上up之后也一般不是大动作,顶多就是把一个不重的东西举过头顶。再一个hold的本意是手持着,所以hold up的目的也一般不是将其举起来放到车上之类,而只是将某物举起来让别人看/闻之类的。

lift/raise和hold要加上up才有举起的意思不同,lift和raise类似,本身就是举起的意思,实际lift和raise的确切意思是将一个事物用任何方法让其到达一个更高的位置(词典解释:raise to a higher position or level),所以lift和raise的应用范围比hold up(一般只用于用手和胳膊去举起)宽广很多,原则上来说凡是用hold up的都可以用lift或raise替代:\r

raise/lift your hand, raise/lift your head

he raised his gun to shoot. he lifted his trophy over his head.

但用lift和raise的地方则很多不能用hold up:\r

raise your eyebrow, lift your eyes等

He lifted his foot from/off the gas pedal.他将脚从油门上抬起。

The paramedics lifted the stretcher into the ambulance.护理人员将担架抬上了救护车。

raise和lift很多时候能相互替代,有时候也不能,任何词语都会有自己更适用的场合或说比较固定的搭配。例如当举起比较重的物体,放到车上之类,用lift就更合适。\r lift up至于说lift up的up,一般来说用lift的地方都可以加上up,但也完全可以不加,例如:\r

She lifted the child (up) onto her lap.她把孩子抱到腿上。

He lifted his head (up) and looked at us.他抬起头看着我们。

She lifted (up) the lid of the box.她掀开了盒盖。

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