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free ride中文翻译,free ride是什么意思,free ride发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

free ride中文翻译,free ride是什么意思,free ride发音、用法及例句

free ride

free ride发音

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free ride中文意思翻译



free ride双语使用场景

1、I suppose you thought you tricked me into giving you a free ride.───我料想到你以为自己能骗我免费带你来.

2、Furthermore, the balance of power and free ride behavior both maintain international system.───此外, 均势、“搭便车”行为都维护了体系现状.

3、He has to take us anywhere and we're entitled to an incense - free ride.───他必须载我们到任何我们要去的地方,这是他的责任.

4、It taught politicians to believe that membership of the single currency was a free ride.───这使得政治家们相信成为单一货币成员可以搭便车.

5、China has global interests, cannot free ride forever, and requires a presence in critical areas and situations in order to have a voice.───拥有全球利益的中国不能永远搭便车,它需要在关键地区和形势中展示自己的存在,以便行使自己的话语权。

6、I've had an opponent every time. I've never had a free ride. I've had to fight.───每次我都有一个对手。我从未遇到一件一帆风顺的事。我一直都得奋斗。

7、There's no such thing as a free ride.───免费搭车可谓世界罕见的奇闻了,然而在厄瓜多尔的叶苏尼国家公园里却有这种好事。

8、I'm getting tired of John expecting me to give him a free ride to work everyday.───每约翰每天早上都指望我让他搭顺风车上班,挺烦人的.

9、Dont get the idea that money grows on trees, or that there aa free ride.───不要以为钱长在树上, 也不要以为有免费的午餐.

10、It is too easy for other investors to free - ride on the efforts of the few.───其他投资者太过容易就能坐享少数人努力的成果.

11、For shareware authors, the era of the free ride is well and truly over.───对于软件作者而言, 免费乘车的时代已经真正结束了.

free ride相似词语短语

1、free rider───搭便车者;免费享用公共货物者


3、free bid───免费投标

4、free bids───免费投标

5、free rides───搭便车;搭顺风车;免费乘车;自由通过

6、free riders───搭便车者,免费使用者


8、free trade───自由贸易

9、a free ride───占便宜



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