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goes on中文翻译,goes on是什么意思,goes on发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

goes on中文翻译,goes on是什么意思,goes on发音、用法及例句

goes on

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goes on中文意思翻译



goes on双语使用场景

1、The article goes on to say that it's not unusual for Jobs to prepare for four hours as he reviews every slide and demonstration.───文章中还写道,乔布斯常常要花四个小时来做准备,因为他要了解演讲中的每一张幻灯片和每一处展示细节。

2、Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to kee p the pot boiling.───物价直线上升,这样子下去,物价直线上升,这样子下去,我们锅里可没什么东西煮饭下去

3、search for a cure goes on.───人们还在继续探寻治疗方法。

4、We know that pilfering goes on.───我们知道常有小偷小摸的事情。

5、This is not so far-fetched, given how much outsourcing and collaboration between companies goes on today.───这不是那么牵强的,现今,公司之间有多少外包和协作在进行。

6、She goes on at him continually.───她老是责备他。

7、All goes on for the best here and I'm enjoying it quite a lot. They say I take to it like a duck to water.───这儿的一切都很好,我感到很惬意。他们说我真有点如鱼得水。(比较:如鸭得水)

8、I felt a bit sad, you know, because of what happened; but you know, I 'm glad, I'm glad they've opened it up again . Life goes on.───因为发生了这样的悲剧。但同时我也很高兴看到这条线重新开放了,一切又照旧如常。

9、"Oh, some stones and mud! " Fox goes on with his head down as if he is very busy.───“哦,是石头和土!”狐狸弗克斯很忙碌的样子,低着头继续往前走。

goes on相似词语短语

1、goes out───出去;熄灭;过时

2、goes off───离开;进行;变质;睡去;断掉;爆炸

3、goes in───参加;(太阳等)被云遮住;放得进

4、grows on───加深影响;引起……爱好

5、comes on───v.快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生

6、goes down───下跌;降落(godown的第三人称单数)

7、goes for───去找;被认为;主张;拥护;努力获取

goes on用一个词代替?


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