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rack up(racking up中文翻译,racking up是什么意思,racking up发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

rack up(racking up中文翻译,racking up是什么意思,racking up发音、用法及例句)

1、racking up

racking up发音

英:[ræk ʌp]  美:[ræk ʌp]

英:  美:

racking up中文意思翻译




racking up双语使用场景

1、But companies are racking up profits and now have built strong cash positions, and may be ready to hire again.───不过企业的利润正持续增加,如今的资金状况也更加充裕,它们也许准备重新开始招聘。

2、It's like, you know, racking up our credit cards on entry fees and gas.───就好像,你知道,把钱花在入场费和加油钱上面。

3、So, dad started racking up all of these patents and gaining a reputation as a blind genius, rocket scientist, inventor.───于是,爸爸开始拿下一个又一个专利,获得了盲人天才、导弹科学家、和发明家的美称。

4、If she's an hourly employee, check her pay stubs to see if she really is racking up the overtime.───如果她是每小时雇员,检查她的收入存根,看她是否真的在额外加班。

5、Then I started racking up Muslim conflicts.Bosnia, Kosovo, Russia and Uzbekistan added to the tally.───后来我开始关注慕斯林冲突,也涉及到波斯尼亚、科索沃、俄罗斯和乌斯别克斯坦。

6、While still not complete, I have made significant headway on racking up rails in my github fork of rails.───虽然尚未完成,不过我已经做了很多重要的进展,这部分工作现在都在我github的Rails分支上。

7、As you know, it is racking up record deficits now, and these are expected to total some $9 trillion over the next 10 years.───大家都知道,现在财政赤字已经破了记录,并且预测说有望在未来十年中会达到共计9万亿美元的赤字总额。

8、The wins have been racking up, and everyone on the Lakers roster has been performing at a higher level since the trade.───交易之后,胜利是唾手可得,并且球队花名册上的每一名队员都表现出了更高的竞技水平。

racking up相似词语短语

1、rucking up───变皱;(使)起皱褶

2、jacking up───提高;顶起,用千斤顶托起

3、cracking up───vt.撞坏;衰退;赞扬;突然大笑起来;精神崩溃;吹捧

4、bricking up───用砖堵塞,用砖围砌

5、rocking up───摇动起来

6、packing up───包装

7、raking up───重提;耙在一起

8、backing up───回投;封底焊

9、rarking up───拉毛



The last leaf is symbol of the leaf of life. It is the most treasured gift from an old artist!

The story described a young couple of good friends. It's Johnsy and Sue. After a period of happy time, Johnsy encounted the Mr. Pneumonia in a cold night in November. One day afternoon, she was desperatly looking out of the window and was counting the leaves on the ivy tree. She firmly convinced that she would leave the world after the last leaf fell. She hadn't any passion for the furture life! Hadn't none other better ways, Sue had to ask the help of the Mr. Behrman. And old poor artist who lived on the ground floor beneath them!

He was a failure in art. he has been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never begun it. Af firstly, he was very scornful about this frustrated girl who was giving up her life after hearing of the last leaf story from Sue. Actually, in this old man's feeling inside, he earnestly wanted to save this poor and young girl. He panited the last vivid and lovely leaf throughout a dreadful night. Finally, this materpiece has been completed, and Johnsy kindled the life fire again. However, Mr. Behame died of the Pneumonia.

The story ended here, but, the sincere friendship would never stop forever! It is penetrating in every sentence of this essay, and it is also hovering in the reader's heart! Let us respect this best art-man! Meanwhile, I also associate him with my parents. They breed us and cultivate us! They have given us their best presents! We shall do all of our efferots to return the contributions to them!

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