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why me中文翻译,why me是什么意思,why me发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

why me中文翻译,why me是什么意思,why me发音、用法及例句

why me

why me发音

英:  美:

why me中文意思翻译



why me双语使用场景

1、This raises many questions like, "Why me?───这引发了很多类似这样的问题:“为什么是我?

2、He starts hitting his head against the wall, and asks, "Why me, God. "───他开始用头撞墙,质问道,“上帝啊,为什么是我呢。”

3、So the candy said, "Why me?"───所以糖果说:“为什么我不同呢?”

4、I spent years isolating myself, dwelling on everyone and everything that hurt me, feeling like a victim and wondering, "Why me? "───我曾经孤立自己很多年,总觉得每个人和每件事都带给我伤害,好像自己就是受害者,并且总想知道“为什么总是我受伤?”

5、He starts hitting his head against the wall, and asks, "Why me, God."───他开始用头撞墙,质问道,“上帝啊,为什么是我呢。”

6、Not possible to ask, when a calamity happens, 'Why me?───当灾祸来临时,你不可能问这样的话,“为什么偏偏是我呢?”

7、If you also dislike are too few, then I will wait for you to mine next life, will continue to tell you, why me such has been loving you!───假如你还嫌太少,那么我会等你到我的下世,继续通知你,我为什么会不断如许的爱着你!

8、Many of us tend to ask, "Why me? " when we are experiencing some pain in life and allow ourselves to become a prisoner of that pain.───当体验到生活中的一些痛苦时,我们许多人往往会问,”为什么是我?“,我们在允许自己成为痛苦的囚犯。

9、Maybe for one day I might have said, 'why me?───也许有时候我会说,‘为什么是我?’

why me相似词语短语

1、why not───为何不…(用来提建议)



4、key move───关键动作

5、any more───再,还

6、holy men───圣人,神职人员

7、shy of───害怕(做);对(做)……有顾虑;对……畏缩;欠缺;不足;未达到,不够

李宇春的演唱会为什么会以why me为名呢又是什么意思呢

Why Me 是李宇春早期的一首歌曲,意思是为什么是我。歌词就是对李宇春个人的写照,朗朗上口,充满正能量。因此她的演唱会以Why Me命名并一直延续下来,成为国内首屈一指的品牌演唱会。

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