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it's 翻译(it s中文翻译,it s是什么意思,it s发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

it's 翻译(it s中文翻译,it s是什么意思,it s发音、用法及例句)

it s

it s发音

英:  美:

it s中文意思翻译



it s双语使用场景

1、If you haven't found the hedge trimmer yet, forget it. It s almost time now to lose the leaf rake.───如果你还没找到修剪篱笆的工具,把它忘了吧,是时候把草耙给丢了。

2、it's not as simple as using less salt or sugar as though you were cutting down on your kilowatt hours.───但是健康饮食和电费单不同,这不仅仅是像减少千瓦时用电一样食用更少的盐或糖那么简单。

3、It's true that once you get into the habit of smoking, you'll find it extremely difficult to get out of it.───你一旦养成了吸烟的习惯,再想戒烟就难了,这一点千真万确。

4、And while it's not clear how much brown fat would be needed to have an effect on body weight, he suspects that it wouldn't take much.───虽然现在还不清楚需要有多少棕色脂肪,才能对体重产生影响,他认为这不会需要太多。

5、If it s in the first state, and it falls out of the conduction band, it will release its extra energy as a photon.───如果是在第一形态,并且它逃离出了传导带,他会以光子的形式释放多余的能量。

6、Creativity isn't just the things we chose to put in, it's also the things we chose to leave out. Or black out.───创造力不仅是我们选择采用的东西,还是我们选择舍弃的,或涂黑的。

7、The good news is, it s great for financial business, but we must be cautious about how we implement systems to deliver reliable service.───好消息是,这对于金融机构再好不过了,但我们必须在如何实现提交可靠的服务的系统方面小心从事。

8、Well, it's not as if I'm planning to murder a crowd of people with a machine gun.───噢,情况并不像我在计划用机关枪杀一大群人似的。

9、If it's ok with you, I guess I could put up with it.───如果你觉得这没有问题的话,我想我亦能忍受它。

it s相似词语短语





5、-tes───ab;.热能存贮(thermal energy storage);技术辅助式销售(technology enabled selling);遥测结果计算站(telemetering evaluation station);《泰晤士报教育副刊》(Times Educational Supplement); 苯乙烯热塑性弹性体(thermoplastic elastomerstyrenic)




以下是我的回答,Its与It's的用法区别主要体现在它们的词性和含义上。Its是形容词性物主代词,意为“它的”,用来指代事物、动物或婴儿的所有格,后面通常接名词,例如“its ear is big”,表示“它的耳朵很大”。而It's则是第三人称代词it和be动词is的缩写形式,意为“它是”,用作主语和谓语,后面通常接形容词或名词,例如“It's cold today”,表示“今天很冷”。


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