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central tendency中文翻译,central tendency是什么意思,central tendency发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

central tendency中文翻译,central tendency是什么意思,central tendency发音、用法及例句

1、central tendency

central tendency发音

英:[ˌsentrəl ˈtendənsi]  美:[ˌsentrəl ˈtendənsi]

英:  美:

central tendency中文意思翻译




central tendency双语使用场景

1、We also need some measure of--We've been talking here about measures of central tendency only and in finance we need, as well, measures of dispersion, which is how much something varies.───我们也需要一些测量--我们一直在这里谈论我们金融学中所需的集中趋势的测量,同样,也有分散的测量。

2、Aggregate stability comes from a stable central tendency.───总体稳定是来自一系列的中间趋势.

3、We also need some measure of — we've been talking here about measures of central tendency only and in finance we need, as well, measures of dispersion, which is how much something varies.───我们也需要其他的指标,目前为止,我们只讨论了集中趋势指标,在金融学中,我们同样需要,离散趋势指标以衡量参数的变化程度。

4、So, that completes central tendency and dispersion.───这样我们就介绍完了集中趋势和离散趋势。

central tendency相似词语短语

1、central governments───n.中央政府

2、central tenet───核心信条;中心原则;核心宗旨

3、central moment───[数]中心矩;中心力矩

4、central tendencies───[统计]集中趋势;居中趋向

5、chemical dependency───药物依赖;化学药品依赖

6、central heating───中央暖气系统;[建]集中采暖

7、central banker───央行行长

8、bearish tendency───看跌倾向

9、natural tendency───自然趋势




Have a tendency to 有…的倾向

There be a tendency to 有…趋势

Tendency to something趋向,趋于

Development tendency发展趋势

Unhealthy tendency不正之风

Natural tendency自然趋势

Upward tendency上涨的趋势

Bleeding tendency出血倾向

Central tendency集中趋势

There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff.雇主雇佣临时职员有增加的趋势

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