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given up(gave up中文翻译,gave up是什么意思,gave up发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

given up(gave up中文翻译,gave up是什么意思,gave up发音、用法及例句)

1、gave up

gave up发音

英:  美:

gave up中文意思翻译



gave up双语使用场景

1、Sadly he lost his business, his marriage broke up and his health was permanently impaired before he gave up the drugs and drink.───遗憾的是,直到事业破产、婚姻破裂、健康受到永久性伤害之后,他才戒掉了毒品和酒精。

2、If I gave up, thinking that that was the end, I would have missed out on so much more.───如果当时我就放弃,认为生命就此终结的话,那我就要错失这么多东西。

3、He gave up the struggle in despair.───他绝望地放弃了斗争。

4、Then he gave up school the next year to concentrate as a professional player.───次年,他放弃了学业,专心做一名职业球员。

5、In the end, he gave up trying, it was no use stopping one day and starting again the next.───最后,他放弃了尝试。因为一天停下来,第二天又开始是没有用的。

6、I phoned Andy, but we had such a bad connection that we gave up trying to talk.───我给安迪打电话,但是信号不好,我们就放弃交谈了。

7、Doctor, to be honest, my wife and I were classmates in college. Five years ago, she gave up the city where she lived and came here with me.───大姐,不瞒您说,我和爱人是大学同学,5年前她放弃了城市的生活随我来到这里,那时我们是真正意义上的一无所有……

8、One of the men with him gave up his place on the bench.───他的一个同伴让出了长椅上的位子。

9、Sun Microsystems gave up its legal fight with Microsoft and agreed to cooperate with its longtime nemesis.───太阳微系统放弃了和微软的官司,与这家自己竞争了多年的主要对手携手合作。

gave up相似词语短语

1、gane up───赢了

2、came up───走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出

3、have up───把某人请来作客;起诉

4、save up───储蓄;贮存

5、gave out───分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭

6、ate up───吃光;耗尽;击垮

7、give up───放弃;交出

8、carve up───v.瓜分;划分

9、bade up───v.抬价


give in与give up用法有区别。

give in和give up都表示放弃,但是用法有所不同。

give in通常指在一段时间内坚持某种观点或行动,但最终被迫放弃或妥协。


”而give up则表示主动放弃或放弃希望。


”除了以上的用法,give in还可以表示屈服于某种诱惑或欲望,例如:“我最终屈服于美味的蛋糕。

”而give up还可以表示停止某种行动或习惯,例如:“他决定放弃吸烟。


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