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conjure up(conjures up中文翻译,conjures up是什么意思,conjures up发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

conjure up(conjures up中文翻译,conjures up是什么意思,conjures up发音、用法及例句)

1、conjures up

conjures up发音

英:  美:

conjures up中文意思翻译



conjures up双语使用场景

1、In time kreppa may become the word that conjures up the disastrous meltdown that is now taking place in the country's economy.───最终,“kreppa”也许会变成一个词,勾起人们对现在正在发生的经济危机的回忆。

2、that song with my visit to Hawaii.; Hearing that song conjures up my trip to Hawaii.───听到那支歌我就会联想到我的夏威夷之行。

3、That smell always conjures up memories of holidays in France.───那种气味总是令人勾起在法国度假那段日子的回忆。

4、BOSTON: For most people, the word farm conjures up images of dairy cows out to pasture, or amber waves of grain.───波士顿:对大多数人来说,这个词农场虚构形象奶牛出牧场或黄色波浪谷物。

5、Instead, it conjures up a deadly poison that seems to seep out of the flowers.───反之,这幅画在人们的思绪唤起一种致命的毒药,毒汁似乎就要从花中渗出。

6、"The word 'Enron' conjures up some really awful things, " he said.───“‘安然’这个名称勾出了许多糟糕的事情,”他说。

7、Mr Ghosh conjures up a thrilling sense of place.───先生用魔力引起了一种令人震颤的地方感。

8、To many Japanese, the word Kobe conjures up the image of an exotic port city.───在很多日本人的脑海里,神户是一个充满异国情趣的港口城市。

9、Components of Corporate Culture Corporate culture is one of those nebulous terms that conjures up a variety of images.───企业文化的组成部分企业文化是其中的一个含糊不清的术语想起了各种图像。

conjures up相似词语短语


2、conjure up───想起,使在脑海中显现;用魔法召唤

3、conjuring up───想起,使在脑海中显现;用魔法召唤


5、bones up───抓紧温习;突击钻研;刻苦用功读书

6、comes up───走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出

7、conjured up───想起,使在脑海中显现;用魔法召唤

8、conjure man───变戏法的人

9、to conjure up───变戏法


One of the world's most ancient and historically important trade routes, the Silk Road conjures up exotic images of camel caravans, windswept deserts, and such legendary figures as Genghis Khan and Marco Polo. Extending as far as the Indian kingdoms in the west, to present-day Xian in China in the east, the Silk Road was already a crossroads of Asia by the third century B.C.


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