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black and white中文翻译,black and white是什么意思,black and white发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

black and white中文翻译,black and white是什么意思,black and white发音、用法及例句

1、black and white

black and white发音

英:[blæk ənd waɪt]  美:[blæk ən waɪt]

英:  美:

black and white中文意思翻译


n.白纸黑字,黑白片,单色; 青红皂白; 书面形式; 印刷


black and white双语使用场景

1、He insisted on having the agreement down in black and white.───他坚持要将协议用书面形式写下来.

2、Gray is intermediate between black and white.───灰色介于黑色和白色之间.

3、The movie was shot in black and white.───那部**拍成了黑白片。

4、Someone had coloured in all the black and white pictures.───有人给所有的黑白照片都上了色。

5、A black and white police car cruised past.───一辆黑白相间的警车缓慢驶过。

6、a zebra's black and white stripes───斑马的黑白条纹

7、Black and white are opposite.───黑与白是截然相反的.

8、He gave me assurance in black and white.───他给了我书面保证.

9、The wallpaper comes in black and white only.───这种墙纸只有黑白的。

10、Black and white show a striking contrast.───黑和白形成明显的对比.

11、a black and white spotted dress───黑白点相间的连衣裙

12、She saw things in black and white.───她总是用简单绝对的眼光看待事物。

13、The film is shot in grainy black and white.───这部**拍成有颗粒状的黑白片。

14、The hip-hugging black and white polka-dot dress was the height of fashion.───黑白圆点花纹的紧身连衣裙当时是最时尚的。

15、One cat is black and white, the other solid black.───一只猫是黑白花色的,另一只猫是纯黑色的。

16、He'd seen the proof in black and white.───他已经看过书面证据。

17、The pictures were in black and white.───这些照片是黑白的。

black and white相似词语短语


2、in black and white───白纸黑字

3、black and whites───白纸黑字;单色;黑白片


5、black and whitest───黑白相间

6、black and tan───(英国)爱尔兰王室警吏团

7、black and blue───adj.遍体鳞伤的;青一块紫一块

8、be in black and white───白纸黑字

9、black and whiter───黑白相间


英语的常用词组应该是in black and white。 in black and white  英 [ɪn blæk ænd waɪt] 美 [ɪn blæk ənd waɪt] 白纸黑字 They want to see the agreement in black and white. 他们想把这项协议用白纸黑字记录下来。 We'd better put everything in black and white. 我们最好把一切都白纸黑字写下来。 black and white  英 [blæk ænd waɪt] 美 [blæk ənd waɪt] 黑白; 白纸黑字; 书面 I want the contract in black and white. 我要这项合同见诸文字。 Is the film in colour or black and white? 这胶卷是彩色的还是黑白的? Black and white are opposites. 黑和白相反。 Most old films were made in black and white. 多数旧**片都是黑白的。 I changed my black and white television for a colour set. 我把黑白电视换了一台彩色的。 The film was shot in black and white. 这部**拍成了黑白片。

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