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hold off中文翻译,hold off是什么意思,hold off发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

hold off中文翻译,hold off是什么意思,hold off发音、用法及例句

1、hold off

hold off发音

英:  美:

hold off中文意思翻译


拖延; 抵抗; 抗拒; 使…疏远


hold off双语使用场景

1、Use five or six columns to hold off and attack enemy reinforcements.───以五个至六个纵队,担任阻援和打援.

2、Let's hope the gunmen will hold off for the duration of the cease - fire .───但愿持枪歹徒在 停火 期间能约束自己的行动.

3、We dispose of enough strength to hold off any attack.───我们拥有足够的力量来击退任何进攻.

4、We could get a new computer now or hold off until prices are lower.───我们现在就可以买新计算机,不然就等到降价再说。

5、I will hold off my decision until I get all the facts.───我会在获悉全部事实之后再做决定.

6、Mary tends to hold off from people.───玛丽总是不接近人.

7、We used five columns to hold off enemy reinforcements.───我们使用了5个纵队不阻止敌人的增援部队.

8、They will hold off their decision until Monday.───他们将延至星期一再作决定.

9、Hold off the dog, it's barking at the children.───把狗弄远点, 它在对孩子们吠叫哩.

10、Will the rain hold off until after the game?───这场雨能拖到比赛结束之后再下 吗 ?

11、The leaders will hold off making a decision until Monday.───领导人将推迟到星期一才作出决定.

12、A skilful driver can hold off an opponent by adopting a 'defensive' driving style.───一位老练的车手可以通过使用“防御性”的驾驶方式阻挡对手的超越。

13、They will hold off their announcement until next month.───他们将把通知推迟到下个月发布.

14、They decided to hold off the meetings until next week.───他们决定把会议延迟到下一周.

15、The leaders will hold off their decision until Monday.───领导人要拖到下星期一才作决定.

16、Cotton is falling in price, and buyers hold off.───棉花价格正在下跌, 买主们都踟蹰不前.

17、Could you hold off making your decision for a few days?───你能推迟几天再作决定吗?

18、Hold off shorting if the Impulse System flashes a buy signal.───如果动力系统给出买入信号,就不要做空.

hold off相似词语短语

1、hand off───不可触摩;切换,转换

2、held off───拖延;不接近;不使…接近

3、head off───阻止;转移方向

4、told off───vt.责备;分派出;向...透露

5、sold off───廉价出清(存货)

6、holds off───拖延;不接近;不使…接近

7、nod off───打盹

8、hold on───不挂断电话,等一下;继续

9、hold out───坚持;伸出;提供;维持;抵制;主张;扣留



hold off:



Could you hold off making your decision for a few days?


put off:




We've had to put off our wedding until September.


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