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theyoungfamily(young family中文翻译,young family是什么意思,young family发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

theyoungfamily(young family中文翻译,young family是什么意思,young family发音、用法及例句)

1、young family

young family发音

英:  美:

young family中文意思翻译



young family双语使用场景

1、The Smurfs visit a young family who comes to learn how much like the Smurfs' village our world really is.───蓝精灵们造访了一个年轻家庭,这个家庭是来研究在我们的世界有多少个这样的蓝精灵乡村的。

2、He is said to rise before dawn, well before the rest of his young family, and to start the day with yoga exercises.───据说他在黎明破晓之前就起床了。- - -大大早于他年轻家庭中的其他成员,然后用瑜伽来开始这一天。

3、This permanent beachside home, designed for a young family is located in an established, heavily treed native coastal environment.───这永久海滨的家,一个年轻家庭设计的位于一个成立,大量绿树浓荫海岸原生环境。

4、They have a young family.───他们家的孩子还小。

5、Then, in 1999, Jordan suffered a tragedy that significantly changed the young family's way of life.───然后在1999年,约旦经历了一场彻底改变这个年轻家庭生活的巨大悲剧。

6、The waves of Lake Michigan were high and splashing onto the pier one day as I followed a young family out to a lighthouse.───有一天,我和一对年轻夫妇全家去密西根湖边的灯塔,那里的湖面波涛汹涌,惊涛拍岸。

7、James's husband returned with schizophrenia and unable to work (he died at 44), so it was left to James to provide for her young family.───詹姆斯的丈夫得了精神分裂症,只好回家,而且再也不能继续工作(在44岁时去世),所以詹姆斯一人承担起照料家庭的责任。

8、The LA lifestyle is obviously an attraction, as it would be for anyone with a young family.───洛杉矶的生活方式显然具有很大吸引力,当然对每个年轻的家庭来说都是如此。

9、Now we live in London and we are always dithering about whether to stay put with our young family, or move out to the countryside.───现在我们住在伦敦。我们总是犹豫,是该与我们的下一代继续生活在城市,还是迁往乡下。

young family相似词语短语

1、ruling family───统治家族

2、county family───郡中世家

3、joint family───数代同堂的大家庭

4、young female───年轻女性

5、founding family───创始家族

6、loving family───充满爱的家庭

7、gourd family───葫芦科

8、borage family───紫草科

9、growing family───成长中的家庭

2、勃朗特一家的故事 概要 最好是英文的 谢了

On a September day in 1821, in the church of a Yorkshire village, a man and six children stood around a grave. They were burying a woman: the man's wife, the children's mother. The children were all very young, and within a few years the two oldest were dead, too. Close to the wild beauty of the Yorkshire moors, the father brought up his young family. Who had heard of the Bront�0�5s of Haworth then? Branwell died while he was still a young man, but the three sisters who were left had an extraordinary gift. They could write marvellous stories - Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall . . . But Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bront�0�5 did not live to grow old or to enjoy their fame. Only their father was left, alone with his memories.

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