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hao are you中文翻译,hao are you是什么意思,hao are you发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

hao are you中文翻译,hao are you是什么意思,hao are you发音、用法及例句

hao are you

hao are you发音

英:  美:

hao are you中文意思翻译



hao are you双语使用场景

1、out of the blue, her attitude suddenly become very a gentleness: " Small Hao, are you over there? "───出乎意料地,她的态度突然变得极温柔:“小浩,你在那里?”

2、So Hao Hao looked down, and in the dog's ear said: "Little doggie, are you cold?"───于是浩浩低下头,对着小狗的耳朵说:“小狗狗,你冷吗?”

3、time when you are loveliest is when you get married, " said Zhang Hao. "So using clothes and makeup, you want to make yourselves the prettiest you can be."───张浩说,“你最可爱的时候就是你结婚的时候”,“所以借助衣服和化妆品,你会想使自己变得最美的”。

4、White said Sergeant here, I suddenly saw a small gray pigeons squatting on the ground, "Hey, Hao Xiaozi, you are here, where. shadow not seen a good few days, look for the good of our hard wow!"───白警长说到这儿,忽然瞧见蹲在地上的小灰鸽,“咦,好小子,你也在这儿哪。”好儿天不见影儿,把我们找的好苦哇!

hao are you相似词语短语

1、what have you───等等;诸如此类

2、to arefy───to arefy

3、mark you───注意;听着

4、I ask you───我问你

5、how dare you───你敢;胆子真大啊

6、how are you───你好

7、after you───您先请

Hao are you是什么


how are you?你好吗?

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