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ray of light(a ray of中文翻译,a ray of是什么意思,a ray of发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

ray of light(a ray of中文翻译,a ray of是什么意思,a ray of发音、用法及例句)

a ray of

a ray of发音

英:  美:

a ray of中文意思翻译



a ray of双语使用场景

1、A spectrum is formed by a ray of light passing through a prism.───一束光通过棱镜就会形成光谱。

2、Her visit brought a ray of sunshine into the children's lives.───她的来访给孩子们的生活带来了欢乐.

3、It was to Jon like a ray of sunshine piercing through a fog.───乔恩觉得它象一道阳光透过云雾.

4、It was as if lighted up with a ray of sunshine.───它就像是被一线阳光照亮了.

5、Her visit brought a ray of sunshine into the old man's life.───她的来访给这位老人的生活带来了欢乐.

6、The rabbit was standing in a ray of sunlight.───那只兔子站在一束阳光的底下.

7、A ray of sunlight fell on the sleeping boy.───阳光照射着睡着的男孩.

8、A ray of light shone through the crack in the door.───门缝里射出一线微光.

9、There is a ray of hope.───有一线希望。

10、A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds.───一缕阳光透过云层照射下来。

11、A ray of sunlight slanting through a window fell on dusty table - tops.───一道阳光从窗口斜照进来,照在积了灰尘的桌面上有些发黄.

12、They could provide a ray of hope amid the general economic gloom.───他们能在普遍的经济低迷中带来一丝希望。

13、He was a ray of sunshine.───他好象是一道阳光.

14、He reminded them of the imposing secret, and raised a ray of cheer.───他使他们想起那个了不起的秘密, 总算引起了一点点高兴的反应.

15、It can be seen clearly in a ray of sunlight or under a lamp.───它在阳光或灯光下清晰可见。

16、A ray of sunlight pierced the clouds.───一缕阳光穿透了云层.

17、A ray of hope shot through Mr. Pan making him feel he had reached haven.───一缕安慰的心直透潘先生的周身,仿佛到了家似的.

a ray of相似词语短语

1、make hay of───使混乱;使对自己有利

2、wary of───adj.小心翼翼的;警觉的;谨防的

3、by way of───经由;当作

4、carry off───夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理

5、vast array of───大量

6、to pay off───还清

7、gray ox───灰牛

8、vast army of───庞大的军队

9、to lay off───解雇


1. 《一束阳光》是罗恩·米尔纳的译文。

2. 这是因为罗恩·米尔纳是一位翻译家,他将英文原著《A Ray of Sunshine》翻译成了中文,取名为《一束阳光》。

3. 《一束阳光》是一本描写生活琐事和人际关系的小说,通过细腻的文字和情感表达,展现了人们在日常生活中的喜怒哀乐,让读者对生活有了更深入的思考和感悟。

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