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cherry tree中文翻译,cherry tree是什么意思,cherry tree发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

cherry tree中文翻译,cherry tree是什么意思,cherry tree发音、用法及例句

1、cherry tree

cherry tree发音

英:  美:

cherry tree中文意思翻译



cherry tree双语使用场景

1、You can imagine how astonished I was to see this noble stag with a cherry tree growing between its antlers.───你可以想象一下,当这只两角之间长了一棵樱桃树的高贵的雄鹿出现在我的眼前时,我是多么的惊讶。

2、The cherry tree has opened its flowers.───樱桃树开花了.

3、There is a cherry tree on the left side of the house.───房子的左边有一棵樱桃树.

4、The bird is in a cherry tree.───鸟在樱桃树上。

5、In spring, we have tea with outdoors under the cherry tree.───春天时, 我们在屋外的樱花树下喝茶.

6、But a Bing cherry tree is not grown from seed.───但是红肉樱桃树不是从种子生长而来.

7、What about the story of George Washington and the cherry tree?───像乔治华盛顿及樱桃树的故事 呢 ?

8、There is a cherry tree in front of the house.───那所房子前面有棵樱桃树.

9、The boy made a switch from the branch of a cherry tree.───这个男孩用樱桃树枝做了一条鞭子.

10、Given favourable conditions, this cherry tree will grow very rapidly.───如果给它适宜的条件, 这棵樱桃树会长得很快.

11、Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree.───光线透过樱桃树柔和的绿阴隐约照进我的厨房。

12、Under a cherry tree I a robin's egg, broken, but not shattered.───樱花树下,知更鸟蛋, 已有裂纹, 尚未粉碎.

13、Graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree.───把樱桃树枝嫁接到李树上.

14、That story about the cherry tree is supposed to be made up.───樱桃树的故事恐怕是人们杜撰的.

15、Most cherry tree varieties blossom for only a few days each spring.───大多数品种的樱花只在每年春天开上几天.

16、Who has been cutting my fine young cherry tree?───谁砍了我那棵可爱的樱桃树?

17、Strings of fruit on the laden cherry tree look really beautiful.───挂果的樱桃树上一串串红通通的果实好看极了.

18、This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see a world-famous cherry tree.───这个小型自行车团队旅行是欣赏世界著名的樱花树的绝妙方式。

cherry tree相似词语短语

1、cherry laurel───n.月桂樱,葡萄牙桂樱


3、cherry reds───樱桃红;桃红色

4、cherry pies───樱桃饼

5、cranberry tree───蔓越莓树

6、chinaberry tree───苦楝

7、cherry red───樱桃红;桃红色


9、cherry pie───樱桃饼



Cherry blossom(樱花):描述樱花树盛开的美丽景象。

Cherry pie(樱桃派):指一种由樱桃制成的馅饼。

Cherry tree(樱桃树):指一种结樱桃的树木。

Cherry red(樱桃红):指樱桃的鲜艳红色。

Cherry orchard(樱桃园):指种植樱桃树的果园。

Cherry flavor(樱桃味):指具有樱桃风味的食物或饮料。

Cherry pit(樱桃核):指樱桃果肉内部的硬核。

Cherry picking(挑樱桃):指在果园中挑选最好的樱桃。

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