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今天早上的英文(today morning中文翻译,today morning是什么意思,today morning发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

今天早上的英文(today morning中文翻译,today morning是什么意思,today morning发音、用法及例句)

today morning

today morning发音

英:  美:

today morning中文意思翻译



today morning双语使用场景

1、Today morning, ensure public security tiger received a big bone from postman.───今天早上,保安老虎收到了邮递员送来的一根大骨头。

2、Today morning, Peter waked up early and hurriedly wore the cloth then ran to forest primary school.───今天早上,彼得早早地醒来并且飞快地穿好衣服,赶向森林小学。

3、Early today morning an American tank was destroyed near An-Najaf. At least two of its crew were killed.───今天一早,一辆霉菌坦克在纳加夫附近被摧毁,至少两名乘员被杀。

4、His grandson Chen Bing likes to catch butterflies, today morning, he is catching butterfly in the garden.───他的孙子陈兵很喜欢抓蝴蝶,今天早上,孙子正在花园里抓蝴蝶。

5、Today morning PTA higher after the opening shock fall plate has repeatedly attempted to try, but the rally failed.───今日早盘PTA高开后震荡回落,盘中曾多次试图拉升,但反弹未果。

6、Johnson took time of his holiday and was in Merseyside today morning and is believed to have secured a move to the Anfield club.───约翰逊今天上午借假期之虞现身默西塞德,相信离他加盟这家安菲尔德俱乐部的日子不远了。

7、But that I had a medicine today morning, my headache would have been bad more now.───要不是我今天上午吃了药,我的头痛现在会更加厉害。

8、Today morning I've fixed the ship-transport price which have reduced compared with pre-phase.───今天早上我跟货代确认了海运费。比前段时间价格降了

9、Today morning, we got on bus in our turn as usual.───今天早上,我们像往常一样依次上车。

today morning相似词语短语

1、convey meaning───传达意义

2、coffee mornings───咖啡早晨

3、Sunday opening───周日开幕

4、foggy morning───多雾的早晨

5、coffee morning───早上喝咖啡



8、good morning───int.早安,早上好

9、yesterday morning───昨天早上

today morning 前面用什么介词?

在英语中,我们通常不会在 "today morning" 前面使用介词。但是,如果你想表达在某个特定的时间或地点的早晨,你可以使用介词。例如:

1. "I woke up at 6 this morning."(我今天早上6点醒来。)

2. "We had breakfast on the rooftop this morning."(我们今天早上在屋顶吃早餐。)

在这些例子中,"at" 和 "on" 是介词,它们分别表示时间和地点。

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