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fall of中文翻译,fall of是什么意思,fall of发音、用法及例句

04-03 投稿

fall of中文翻译,fall of是什么意思,fall of发音、用法及例句

1、fall of

fall of发音

英:  美:

fall of中文意思翻译



fall of双语使用场景

1、She watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept.───她看着他睡着时微微起伏的胸膛。

2、One night there was a heavy fall of snow.───有一天晚上下了一场大雪。

3、It's a fall of 60 metres to the foot of the cliff.───从这儿到悬崖之底距离60米.

4、a light fall of powdery snow───细雪轻轻飘落

5、The hills were salted with a light fall of snow.───稀疏的雪花覆盖了山丘.

6、the fall of this year, if all domestic and foreign imitations are counted, the total sales volume of the hula hoop is estimated to be tens of millions.───秋天,若把国内外的仿制品通通计算在内,呼拉圈的总销售量估计有几千万个。

7、The fall of the city followed heavy bombardment.───城市受到猛烈轰炸后沦陷.

8、A fall of 50 per cent or more on prices is not beyond the realms of possibility.───降价50%或更多并非不可能。

9、The fall of masonry crushed the old man in the old house.───炉墙倒坍将那老人压倒在旧房屋里.

10、One night there was a heavy fall of snow.───一天晚上天降大雪。

11、The plotline revolved around the fall of Chas, a minor London gangster.───主要情节是围绕一位名叫查斯的伦敦黑帮小混混如何走向毁灭的过程展开的。

12、Traffic was badly dislocated by the heavy fall of snow.───大雪使得交通非常混乱.

13、The fall of one leaf is enough to tell coming of autumn.───一叶知秋.

14、He was elected judge in the fall of 1991.───1991年秋他当选为法官。

15、Cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm.───顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏.

16、The fall of the Cabinet will make good copy.───内阁的垮台将成为(报纸等的)好材料.

17、There was a welcome fall of seasonable snow in north China.───华北地区喜降瑞雪.

18、This fall of prices is consequent on the rise in production.───这次价格下降是生产提高的结果.

fall of相似词语短语

1、all of───adv.不少于;实足;……的全部

2、fall for───迷恋;信以为真

3、fall offs───减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退

4、fall out───发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是

5、fail of───未能

6、fall off───减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退

7、fall on───落到;指向

8、falls off───减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退

9、call off───取消;依次叫名;叫走

2、《The Fall of the House of Usher》中,Roderick Usher为什么要将自己的妹妹活埋

其实, roderick usher 和他的妹妹玛德琳 是双胞胎,这是主人公在把妹妹放进地窖时发现的,他们是那么的相似。roderick有一种病,特别的敏感,可以听到常人听不到的声音并听到她从地窖里上来,最后吓死了自己。他活埋她是因为她的病是性情冷淡,从她的表情看不清她究竟是死还是活,所以他们把她活埋了。据说双胞胎之间有心灵感应,Roderick可以感觉到他的双胞胎玛德琳。

这反映了 Roderick 一种内心的矛盾,他想从他与双胞胎的联系与禁锢中挣脱出来。他与玛德琳是一种矛盾的统一体,可以看做两个自己。是ROderick的一种内心的恐惧与不安。 The fall of the house of usher最后房屋的倒塌也是RODERICK内心的腐烂的结果。



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