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extra life中文翻译,extra life是什么意思,extra life发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

extra life中文翻译,extra life是什么意思,extra life发音、用法及例句

1、extra life

extra life发音

英:  美:

extra life中文意思翻译



extra life双语使用场景

1、s website is rather barebones in content, the tag and ribbon add extra life to key elements.───虽然网站内容还欠缺,标签和色使得关键要素增添了生活气息。

2、And even some of those drugs offer only a few months at most of extra life or tumor stabilization despite prices that often reach thousands of dollars a month.───有些药只能延长患者几个月的生命或只是维持肿瘤不扩散,这些药的价格也动辄数千美元。

3、Picking up various Extra Scores may provide the player with additional "time scores" or even an "extra life" .───各种额外加分将给玩家提供额外的时间分数或者甚至是额外的性命。

4、It is rather that physicians were hoping for years of extra life.───而是,医生希望能给患者延长数年的额外生命。

5、If you can give that an extra life - an extra couple years - and so refurbishing is really what you want your recycler to do.───如果你能够给它更长的生命,再多几年,翻新是你希望你的回收商所做的事。

6、some bills in congress would make the higher gratuity retroactive but not the extra life insurance───而一些国会的议案只限抚恤金可以追溯,而增加的保险就不必了。

7、Those are the secret codes that you can use to either jump ahead in a video game or gain an extra life.───这些都是你们可以用密码或是在游戏或抢先占据额外的生命。

8、Add extra life to your folders, protect labels and tabs.───拓展你的文件夹存储空间,保护好标签和标志。

extra life相似词语短语

1、extra care───额外的照顾;格外小心

2、extra zing───额外的

3、extra edge───额外边缘

4、extra time───额外时间;加赛时间

5、entire life───总寿命

6、extra layer───加固层;额外一层

7、extra times───额外时间;加赛时间

2、你觉得NASA会在何时公布Mars 2020探测器的名字?

NASA在为Mars 2020探测器命名的时候绝对是带着开放的心态,它可能会像Wonder一样简单,或者像Propulsion Major Crater一样不寻常。当地时间周一,NASA公布了其探测器命名竞赛的半决赛名单。据悉,该赛事面向美国从幼儿园到12年级的孩子们。


有些名字则以创意首字母缩写的方式出现,如Fido (Fearless Information Data Officer)、Aliett (Ancient Life Investigator Of Extra Terrestrial Turf)、Ride (Revolutionizing Interplanetary Discoveries and Exploration)等。


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