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4th anniversary(july 4th中文翻译,july 4th是什么意思,july 4th发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

4th anniversary(july 4th中文翻译,july 4th是什么意思,july 4th发音、用法及例句)

1、july 4th

july 4th发音

英:  美:

july 4th中文意思翻译



july 4th双语使用场景

1、the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday.───七月四日将不再只被认为是美国的节日。

2、Sunday, July 4th 2010, 4:00 am.───周日,2010年7月4日,早上4:00。

3、A ceremony to remember those who died in the July 7th bombings will take place in London today on the 4th anniversary of the attacks.───伦敦将于今天举行恐怖袭击4周年纪念活动,悼念7月7日发生的车站炸弹袭击事件的受害者。

4、What's more, July 3rd and 4th have consistently topped the list of the four deadliest days of the year to be on the road.───尤其是每年道路死亡人数最多的四天当中,7月3日和7月4日一直都排在榜首。

5、Over the July 4th weekend, a summit called Texas Defending the American Dream took place in a chilly hotel ballroom in Austin.───7月4日的这个周末,在奥斯汀一家宾馆肃杀的大厅内举行了一个名为“德克萨斯捍卫美国梦”的会议。

6、New York's July 4th fireworks display is taking place on the Hudson.───纽约7月4日的烟火表演就在哈德逊河上进行。

7、Yes, the effort expended on July 4th to celebrate the work of these men comes with a lot of bang.───是的,他们耗费在七月四日的努力,试图庆祝那些受许多打击的人们的工作。

8、Now let’s us toast the July 4th and long live friendships!───现在我们一起举杯为美国国庆和友谊万古长青干杯!

9、This week's July 4th celebrations marked the beginning of the summer season for America's theme parks.───这个星期7月4日举行的庆祝活动标志美国主题乐园今年夏季活动拉开序幕。

july 4th相似词语短语

1、fly ash───[环境]粉煤灰;飞灰

2、fly at───扑向;猛烈攻击


July 七月 Jul,August 八月 Aug,September 九月 Sept                    




例如:七月一号缩写是Jul. 1st, 七月二号缩写Jul. 2nd,七月三号缩写Jul. 3rd, 七月四号缩写Jul. 4th 再往后的都是Jul.+日期。八月也是一样八月月份缩写+日期(中间加一点),九月也是九月月份缩写+日期(中间加一点)。


月份缩写如下:一月 Jan. January,二月 Feb. February,三月 Mar. March,四月 Apr. April,五月 May. May,六月 Jun. June,七月 Jul. July,八月 Aug. August,九月 Sept. September,十月 Oct. October十一月 Nov. November,十二月 Dec. December

序数词是数词的一种,主要在英语语法中讲到,在汉语中表示为“第几”。此外,在生日中,描述你出生的日期时,也会用到序数词。比如:May-first (5月1日)




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