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gulf war中文翻译,gulf war是什么意思,gulf war发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

gulf war中文翻译,gulf war是什么意思,gulf war发音、用法及例句

gulf war

gulf war发音

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gulf war中文意思翻译



gulf war双语使用场景

1、Then, at the conclusion of the Gulf War, the Security Council adopted Resolution 687.───然后, 在海湾战争结束时, 安理会通过了第687号决议.

2、Four clinics will undertake the tests in a attempt to explain so - called Gulf War Syndrome.───四家诊所将负责这次检查,试图解释 所谓 的海湾战争综合症.

3、April 2nd 2003, during the second Gulf war, a hundred or so Iraqi armoured vehicles approached a far smaller American reconnaissance unit south of Baghdad.───4月2日第二次海湾战争期间,约100辆伊拉克装甲车逼近巴格达南部一个小得多的美军侦察部队。

4、During the Gulf War, there were quite a few communication satellites in the Iraqi sky.───海湾战争期间在伊拉克上空有不少通信卫星.

5、There were big, difficult decisions to be taken during the Gulf War.───在海湾战争中,曾有过许多需要做出重大 、 艰难决断的场面.

6、They continued to be active in Northern Ireland, the Falklands and up through the Gulf War.───其后致力于北爱尔兰战争 、 福克兰群岛战争和海湾战争.

7、They approved a $1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War.───他们通过了对参加过波斯湾战争的老兵增发共计11亿美元的一揽子提案。

8、The complexities of the Gulf War.───海湾战争综合症.

9、The Gulf War was a modern three - dimensional war.───海湾战争是一场现代 立体 战争.

10、The fallout a tad worse than Gulf War Syndrome.───引起的疾病比波斯湾战争的后遗症还严重.

11、They approved a $1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War.───他们批准了为参加过波斯湾战争的退伍军人增付11亿美元的一揽子计划。

12、Iraq has been drained of its strength by the Gulf War.───海湾战争使伊拉克大伤元气.

13、Overall, airport security at its highest level since the Persian Gulf War in 1991.───总之, 机场的保安人员处于1991年海湾战争以来的最高戒备状态.

14、During the Persian Gulf War , General Luck commanded the XVIII Airborne Corps.───勒克将军是一名非常有经验的陆军飞行员,他最初是作为一名庄稼军官来训练的.

15、The other most notable examples of no-fly zones were those imposed by the United States and its Allies over northern and southern Iraq following the 1991 Gulf War.───另外值得注意的例子是1991年海湾战争后美国和他的盟友在北方和南方伊拉克建立的禁飞区。

16、How was the Gulf War started?───海湾战争是怎样引起的?

17、Colonel Brown saw service in the Gulf War.───布朗上校参加过海湾战争.

18、Our eyes were literally pinned to tv during the Gulf War.───在海湾战争期间,我们天天盯着电视.

gulf war相似词语短语

1、Gulf War───海湾战争

2、turf war───地盘争夺战;圈地战争

3、turf wars───地盘战;草皮战争

4、Gulf Wars───海湾战争




8、cold war───n.冷战;n.《寒战》(**名)

9、holy war───圣战;网络上因基本观点不同产生的激烈争论



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