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private sector中文翻译,private sector是什么意思,private sector发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

private sector中文翻译,private sector是什么意思,private sector发音、用法及例句

private sector

private sector发音

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private sector中文意思翻译



private sector双语使用场景

1、The substantial and sustainable financing needed will require mechanisms which involve the private sector and dynamic.───为满足可观且可持续的融资需求,需要建立私营部门可参与其中的、富有活力的机制.

2、The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.───政府仍然认为应该给予交通领域的私营企业以经营自由。

3、The threat comes from plans to contract out services to the private sector.───威胁来自承包私营部门的服务计划.

4、The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transportation.───私营部门应该包揽一切的极端观点,显然也不可取的。

5、The Loan Scheme enables families to buy their own homes in the private sector.───贷款计划则用以帮助本港家庭购置私人楼宇单位作为居所.

6、The broader private sector is restricting business with Iran , rather than risk facilitating Iran's illicit activities.───范围更大的私营部门,正在限制与伊朗的生意, 而不是冒险协助该国的非法活动.

7、The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.───私营部门相比之下有很多钱可花。

8、Ronald Reagan was wrong: sometimes the private sector is the problem, and government is the solution.───罗纳德-里根是错误的: 私营部门是问题所在, 政府才是解决之道.

9、The private sector now handles about 85 percent of the internal marketing of grains.───现在私人部门经销业务大约占国内粮食销售量的85%左右.

10、The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.───私营企业的开支急剧增长造成经济发展过热。

11、Ministers want to see more interchange between the private sector and the civil service.───部长们希望看到私营部门与行政机构之间更多的交流。

12、We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.───我们先研究了让私营企业投资铁路等大型项目的方式。

13、At present, therefore, fiscal deficits are not crowding the private sector out.───因此, 目前财政赤字并未对私人部门造成挤出效应.

14、The change has big implications for the private sector.───这一变化对私人部门具有很大的影响.

15、Private sector investment has fallen more than 11 per cent between 2000 and 2002.───从2000年至2002年,私人部门投资的降幅超过11%.

16、The private sector suffers too.───私营企业同样深受其害.

17、We compete equally and fairly in terms of private sector productivity and public sector efficiency.───我们是凭着私营机构的生产力和公营部门的卓越效率,进行公正和公平的竞争.

18、China's private sector has been growing rapidly along with the establishment of market economy.───随着我国市场经济的建立,民营经济获得快速发展,家族企业不断涌现并且规模越来越大.

19、Yet comparisons with the private sector get you only so far.───与私人部门的比较就到这里.

20、It will also align servants'pension contributions with those in the private sector by 2020.───法国还将在2020年前将公务员的退休金税率和私营部门的税率调整为一致.

21、The result has been burgeoning variety and a breakneck expansion of the private sector.───结果就是逐渐展现出的多样化以及私立学校飞快的扩张速度.

22、Japan's private sector savings were 26 per cent of GDP.───日本的私人储蓄率为gdp的26%.

23、The DOE first announced the project, a prototype for the private sector, in 2003.───2003年能源部首次公布了这个计划, 以私有部门为样板.

24、Road access to road in Gansu Province Food Group Top 50 list of the private sector.───路大路食品集团进入甘肃省50强私营企业之列.

25、He and others are proposing new rules dictating how the government contracts for private sector work.───他与其他成员提议条例,指导政府如何给予私人企业承包合同.

26、The private sector and mutuals make up the other two.───其余由私营银行和合作制银行占据.

27、The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.───相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。

private sector相似词语短语

1、private prosecution───[法]自诉

2、private sectors───(社会经济中的)私营部分

3、private secretaries───私人秘书

4、private school───n.私立学校;私立中小学

5、private secretary───私人秘书

6、private member───下院议员

7、state sector───国营部门


私人部门(Private Sector)是"公共部门"的对称,是指个人、家庭和私人所拥有的企事业单位。  这些经济行为主体的共同特点是它们的活动依赖于个人的收入、个人所有的资产,并且以自身利益为活动的宗旨分为两个子部门:家庭部门与私人企业部门。前者是从事个人消费活动的,而后者则从事私人投资的生产;前者的行为目标是个人或家庭效用最大化,而后者的行为目标是利润最大化。

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