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additional information中文翻译,additional information是什么意思,additional information发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

additional information中文翻译,additional information是什么意思,additional information发音、用法及例句

additional information

additional information发音

英:  美:

additional information中文意思翻译


附加说明,补充消息; 可加信息


additional information双语使用场景

1、To overcome this inadequacy it is most important to use additional information from family values.───为了克服这方面的不足,采用以家系为准绳的其它资料是很重要的.

2、If there is any additional information you require, please contact me.───如果需要其它信息, 请联系我.

3、See nanotechnology and nanotoxicology for additional information.───其他信息,请参见纳米技术和纳米毒理学。

4、Where can I find additional information on personal protective equipment ( PPE )?───问39:还可以在哪里获得更多的有关个人防护用品 ( PPE ) 的信息?

5、I want additional information on this.───我需要这方面的补充资料.

6、Select the logon settings you want, and provide additional information, if needed.───选择想要的登录设置; 如果需要, 提供其它信息.

7、Where do I find additional information about the programme?───哪里可以找到关于议程的更多信息?

8、An expansion will provide any additional information the consumer needs.───补充说明将提供消费者需求的额外信息.

9、Calculating the value of additional information in the decision - making process is a serious problem for managers.───计算决策中额外数据的价值,对管理人员来说是很重要的.

10、Refer to rules given below and the example in for additional information.───详见下述规则和手册中的示例.

11、E . moving any additional information that is relevant into the new db.───大肠杆菌 移动任何附加信息到新的数据库相关.

12、Side Assist needs additional information to take the right decisions.───侧向辅助需要额外信息做出正确结论.

13、If additional information is required, please advise me at your early convenience.───如需了解其它情况, 请尽快告诉我.

14、Place additional information here, such as emergency phone numbers.───这里用于放置其他信息, 例如紧急电话号码.

15、For additional information about deceased taxpayers, see page 44.───有关已故纳税人的更多信息,请参见第44页。

16、Incorporates additional information.───合并附加的信息。

17、This additional information is often grid coordinate information, units, missing values, etc.───这些额外的信息通常是格点坐标信息, 单位, 遗漏值(估计类似于 GrADS 中的undefine的 值)等等.

18、Please consult with your local CDC if you need additional information.───如果您想了解更多的有关信息,请咨询就近的疾控中心.

additional information相似词语短语

1、personal information───个人信息,个人情况;个人资料,个人资讯

2、digital information───数位资讯,[计]数字信息;数据

3、vital information───重要信息

4、additional incentive───额外奖励

5、nutritional information───营养成分;营养信息

6、medical information───[基医]医学信息;医学情报

7、statistical information───[统计]统计信息;统计资料

8、additional contribution───追加捐款

9、additional compensation───额外补偿

香港浸会大学3年制MFA的网申问题~主要是additional information


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