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dark matter中文翻译,dark matter是什么意思,dark matter发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

dark matter中文翻译,dark matter是什么意思,dark matter发音、用法及例句

dark matter

dark matter发音

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dark matter中文意思翻译



dark matter双语使用场景

1、What exactly is dark matter?───暗物质究竟是什么?

2、Scientists can observe but what they believe to be dark matter only through its gravity.───科学家们只有通过暗物质的重力才能观察到它的性质.

3、Finding the stuff is damned tricky because dark matter , by definition , cannot be seen.───因此,一些致力于这一领域的物理学家千方百计地试图找到一种间接方法来一窥究竟.

4、In this way, it can eliminate the need for dark matter.───如此一来,暗物质这个假设也就可以抛弃了.

5、The problem is that dark matter is invisible.───问题在于暗物质看不见.

6、This is the infamous dark matter, whose existence is inferred solely from its gravitational effects.───这就是声名狼藉的黑暗物质, 其重力效应是我们认定它存在的唯一依据.

7、A popular candidate for dark matter is a relatively heavy particle known as the neutralino.───暗物质的热门候选粒子是一种相对较重的粒子,被称为“中性伴随子”.

8、The other was announcement earlier in the week that scientists found direct evidence for dark matter.───另一个则是本周早些时候的一项公告,公告称科学家发现了黑暗物质存在的直接证据.

9、Astrometric results are also used to measure the distribution of dark matter in the galaxy.───天体测量的结果也被用来衡量分布的暗物质星系.

10、And dark matter: that mysterious stuff we can't see but that clearly affects ordinary matter.───而暗物质是一种我们看不到的神秘物质,却明显能对普通物质构成影响.

11、The ray light also likely traces out the location of dark matter.───X光波段也能描绘出暗物质的位置.

12、Dark matter gives out no light and is detectable only because of its gravitational effect on visible matter.───暗物质不发光,它之所以能被发现,只是因为它对可见物质产生引力作用。

13、The visible parts of galaxies are believed to be enveloped in giant " halos " of dark matter.───我们相信,星系中可以看得见的部分,其实是笼罩在巨大的黑暗物质[晕 ] 里.

14、Hence we infer that there is dark matter in the Universe.───因此我们推断出宇宙中存在暗物质.

15、That creates an outward bound dark matter traffic jam, which can be seen as the ring.───这种引力形成了暗物质向外扩张时的交通阻塞, 结果成为所看到的环状.

16、Scientists can observe what they believe to be dark matter only through its gravity.───科学家们相信只有透过它的地心引力才能观察到黑暗物质.

17、When the impact happened, the dark matter in the clusters also collided.───当撞击发生时, 星团中的暗物质也发生碰撞.

18、Massive objects like the sun can bend light, but colossal clouds of dark matter create "bubbles" in the cosmos.───巨大的星体,例如太阳能够使光弯曲,但是庞大的暗物质云会在宇宙中产生“气泡”。

19、Most culture is dark matter.───大部分的文化都是暗物质。

20、WHAT KIND OF particle could dark matter be made of?───暗物质可能是由哪一种粒子组成的 呢 ?

21、Some of these appear to have separated dark matter from its visible counterpart.───这些观测发现星群碰撞时,暗物质和与之相对的能看得见的物质像是被分开了.

22、Various means of weighing the universe lead us to believe in the presence of dark matter.───衡量宇宙的各种不同的方法引导我们相信暗物质的存在.

dark matter相似词语短语

1、dead matters───无机物质,[印刷]待拆活字版

2、back matters───书后所附补充资料;附属资料

3、waste matter───[环境]废物

4、dark lantern───遮光提灯

5、dead matter───无机物质,[印刷]待拆活字版

6、back matter───书后所附补充资料;附属资料


8、dark lanterns───遮光提灯

9、dark matters───[天]暗物质


暗物质(Dark matter)是理论上提出的可能存在于宇宙中的一种不可见的物质,它可能是宇宙物质的主要组成部分,但又不属于构成可见天体的任何一种已知的物质。

被广泛接受的理论认为,组成暗物质的是“弱相互作用有质量粒子”(weakly interacting massive particle, WIMP)。其质量和相互作用强度在电弱标度附近,在宇宙膨胀过程中通过热退耦合过程获得观测到的剩余丰度。

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